Nuage d'auteur pour IffleyHistorySoc

Alison Ambrose(1) Anonymous(4) W.J. Arkell(1) Jean Arnatt(2) Sinclair Atkins(1) George Kenneth (1903-1982) Bampton(1) John Banbury(1) Fay Banks(1) C.F.C. Beeson(1) M. W. Beresford(2) Fred Bickerton(1) Sue Bird(1) John Blair(1) Christine Bloxham(2) Carl Boardman(1) James Bond(2) James Bond(1) Asa Briggs(1) Jonathan Brown(1) Rosie Bryan (nee Newell)(1) D.J. Buckle(1) John Frederick Burke(1) Carole Newbigging And Trevor Williams(1) John. and Jacqueline Smith. Carter(1) Bert Challis(3) Colin Chapman(1) Colin R. Chapman(2) Rosemary Church(2) William Cobbett(1) Robert P. Tristram Coffin(1) Combe Mill Society(1) Janet Cooper(1) Edward Cordrey(1) Ron Cosford(1) Jane Cotter(2) Ann Cripps(1) CrispinPaine(1) Joyce Culling(1) Mark Davies(1) Mark Davies(1) Mark Johnstone Davies(3) Judy Dewey(1) Kate Diston(1) Brian Eade(1) David Eddershaw(1) Derek Elsom(1) Terence English(1) Sheila Fairfield(4) Rosemary Fitzherbert Jones(1) John. Fletcher(1) J.S.W. Gibson(2) Lauren Gilmour(1) Ray Godfrey(1) Ann Gomar(1) Eric Gordon(1) Graham(1) Malcolm Graham(6) Owen Green(1) Stephen Haddelsey(1) Tony Hadland(1) HALLAM(1) James Hamilton(1) Mollie Harris(2) Audrey Hasnip(1) Trevor Hayward(1) Michael Heaney(1) Michael Heaton(1) Martin Henig(1) George Henwood(1) Michael Hickey(1) Tanis Hinchcliffe(1) F. H. Hinsley(1) Derek Honey(1) Jack Howard-Drake(3) Prynne Hutton(1) Victoria Huxley(1) Kenneth Hylson-Smith(1) Ralph Jackson(1) COOPER JANET(1) Mary Jessup(1) Gwyn de Jong(1) Pehr Kalm(1) B. R. Kemp(1) Roger Kendal(1) Ayala Kingsley(1) Brian R. Law(1) Michael Leapman(1) John Leigh(1) Tom Licence(1) Arthur MacGregor(1) P. S. Manix(1) F. C. Markwell(1) Rev. E Marshall(2) Alexander F Martin(1) Madge Martin(1) Mildred Masheder(1) Anne Milford(1) Cecilia Millson(1) Shaun Morley(1) Andrew Moss(1) Richard Muir(5) Julian Munby(1) Lionel Munby(1) Museum of Oxford Searchers Group(1) Carole Newbigging(6) D. E. Nineham(1) Ruth Nineham(2) Oxfordshire Federation of Women's Institutes(1) Gerald Palmer(1) George Parkes(1) Hilary Pearson(1) John Penoyre(1) John Perrott(2) H. E Priestley(1) Mary Prior(1) Oliver Rackham(1) David Radford(1) Phyllis Ransom(1) P. H. Reaney(2) Barry Reay(1) Patrick Reynolds(2) G Rose(1) Royal Commission on Historical Monuments (England)(1) Graeme L. Salmon(1) George Santayana(1) Peggy Seeger(1) Robert S. Sephton(1) Thomas Sharp(1) Eric Sidebottom(1) Nicola Sly(1) Arthur E. Smailes(1) Hannah Whitall Smith(1) Richard O. Smith(1) Mary Somerville(1) David Souden(1) Angela Spencer-Harper(1) Mark Spurrell(1) Elaine Steane(1) Nancy Stebbing(1) W. B. Stephens(1) Geoffrey Stevenson(1) John Stewart(2) Barbara Strachey(1) Denis Stuart(1) Julie Summers(2) Phyl Surman(1) Helen M. Sweet(1) Ann Spokes Symonds(2) Naomi Tarrant(1) Anne Tarver(1) W. E. Tate(2) Henry Taunt(3) Roger Taylor(1) The Marcham Society(1) Kate Tiller(3) Patricia Utechin(1) Various Iffley Local History Society Members(1) Edward Wakeling(1) Laurence Waters(1) Cliff Webb(1) welchhubertglanville(1) Martin Wellings(1) Elizabeth Wells(2) Simon Wenham(1) Ralph Whitlock(1) Graeme Williams(1) Donald Willis(1) David Gordon Wilson(1) Tony Winckworth(1) Gordon Winter(1) Agnes Florence Wood(1) Raymond B Wood-Jones(1) Margaret E. Wood(1) Liz Woolley(2) Keith Wrightson(1) Marilyn Yurdan(3)