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Inscrit depuis
Aug 21, 2007
Nom réel
AJ Watamaniuk
A propos de ma bibliothèque

I've since given away most of my YA and children's lit, but need to sit down and properly purge them from my account.

My general interests include collecting Tea Books, especially vintage blender's manuals, economic books, industry or production books, or other first-hand historical accounts. I'm on the lookout for C.R. Harler, D. M. Forrest, and William Ukers.

Aside from tea, I read and collect a lot of pulpy scifi and some fantasy. Doctor Who, TOS Star Trek. Or whatever else strikes my fancy, my library can be pretty eclectic.

A propos de moi

I've got a few random interests. Basically, though, I like your straight-forward pulp fantasy novel (Forgotten Realms, Greyhawk); science fiction novels (Doctor Who, Star Trek, and Shadowrun). Also pretty much any book on tea.

About me specifically, I am a transgendered, teadrinking individual from Canada, graduated with a BSc in geology. However I'm currently employed as a quality control tea taster, tea blender, and tea specialist.

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