
fantasy (62), as (13), true crime (10), autism (10), trans (9), social science (6), children (5), craft (5), medical (5), erotica (5), crime (4), dolls house (4), miniatures (4), gender (4), native american (3), glbt (3), childrens (3), fiction (3), forensic (2), medical thriller (2), calligraphy (2), spiritual (2), indigenous (1), storage (1), linguistics (1), mythology (1), new age (1), jewish (1), crime thriller (1), bdsm (1), house (1), interior decoration (1), bisexual (1), parent (1), photography (1), profiling (1), disability (1), feminist (1), cats (1), anthropology (1), art (1), thriller (1), suspense (1), sci fi (1), horror (1), GLBT (1)
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Inscrit depuis
Nov 5, 2005
Nom réel
Simon Maynard
A propos de ma bibliothèque
There are a LOT of books in my library, both fiction and non fiction, but I'm a fast reader so I'm always looking for more books, different authors who write in genre I like, so if you have any reccomendations please leave me a message.
A propos de moi
Simon, female to male transsexual, parent to a 15 year old, way too many interests, and love talking to people and making friends here and elsewhere online.

I am somewhere on the Aspergers/high functioning autism spectrum, regularly get totally involved in learning one or two new things to the exclusion of most other things (including eating if no one reminds me). I don't go out very much, so most of my social life is online, and I"m always open to meeting new people who share some of my many interests. I am open to friends adding me to IM programs (as above), but please, the first time you pop in tell me where you found me, and if it was here, your Librarything user name.
My primary online 'hobby' is Livejournal, which is at It's a good place to visit to find out what my interests are, and lots of other stuff.
Lieu (géographique)
Frankston, Vic. Australia
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