
young-adult (202), childrens (162), manga (153), non-fiction (138), audiobook (137), in-translation (109), lgbt (100), did-not-finish (97), own-manga (96), 2011 (88), own-myshelf (85), fantasy (82), 2012 (80), in-japanese (79), 2018 (79), 1000-books-mustich (74), 2010 (73), science-fiction (68), 2013 (61), 1001-books-boxall (56), could-not-put-it-down (56), re-read (53), 2014 (53), i-would-drop-everything-for-you (48), to-read (46), classics (46), 2015 (45), 2017 (45), 2019 (44), self-help (41), favourite-manga (40), graphic-novels (34), will-sell-or-swap (34), retellings (33), 2012-release (33), childhood-favourites (31), 2014-release (28), anthology (27), intp-recs (26), own-togetridof (26), 2011-release (25), urban-fantasy (25), 2020 (25), literary-fiction (24), 2022 (24), favourite-series (24), 2015-release (23), seduced-by-the-title (21), made-me-cry (21), 2013-release (20), 2016 (20), seduced-by-the-cover (20), favourites (19), 2017-release (17), work-resources (15), wishlist-manga (15), own-resources (14), history (14), 2021 (12), visual-culture (12), 2018-release (11), art-resources (11), notes-in-status-updates (11), book-boyfriend (10), 2019-release (10), 2016-release (10), 80s-90s-nostalgia (10), play (9), light-novel (8), z_maybe_sff (8), horror (8), artbook (8), web-novel (7), year-end-review (7), technology (6), trauma (6), programming (5), wishlist (5), social-political-commentary (4), education (3), not-in-library (3), poetry (3), z_maybe-nonfic (2), angry-robot (2), 2021-release (2), 2020-release (2), currently-reading (2), not-yet-released (2), in-chinese (2), writing (2), 2022-release (1), economics (1), 2023-release (1), z_maybe_fiction (1), own-myself (1)
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Inscrit depuis
Oct 6, 2022
A propos de ma bibliothèque
My owned physical books are under 'Your library' - otherwise I use this account for (attempting to) catalogue every book I've ever read and keeping track of books I want to add to my collection (see: 'Wishlist'). I've also read a ton of manga over the years but usually won't add them here as it just clutters up my account. Although, I'll generally list it here if I read it in physical book format and/or want to write a review of it. I'd like to eventually write a review for every book I own, but we'll see.
A propos de moi

Lifelong avid lover and devourer of books. I try to read across all genres but have a major preference for fantasy, sci-fi, and anything with a slashy bent.

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