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Nuage des mots-clés, Nuage des auteurs, Miroir des mots-clés
Inscrit depuis
Jan 17, 2021
A propos de ma bibliothèque
*cracks knuckles* Let's see.

Pride of Place:
- One of my... great... grandparents or something? - was pals with Henry Miller, so I have a bunch of old copies of his that are signed/inscribed, including a couple of pirated versions
- Extremely beautiful gilt and leatherbound expensive edition of Les Miserables with illustrations and Hugo-approved translation
- Jane Austen personal writing collection given to me as a reward for my kickass recitation skills even though it was supposed to be a prize for someone else
- Heavily annotated full-color edition of House of Leaves
- OG pocket volume of Ginsberg's Howl from IRL City Lights
- Sky Ward signed by writer and inscribed to me, & copy of Brand New Ancients inscribed by professor - both acquired via university classes/events
- Super cool interactive/pop-up full-color illustrated edition of Peter Pan
- Bookplates, tarot art, signatures from preordered books by Maggie Stiefvater (largely The Raven Cycle)
- Copy of Les Miserables that I got signed by West End cast because... extra.

Bookcase Organization:
I. Coffee Table Books
II. Collectors Editions
III. Comics & Graphic Novels
.....a) Manga
.....b) Graphic Novels (Western)
.....c) Traditional Comics - Full-Sized Compilations
.....d) Traditional Comics - Standard
.....e) Collectible/Omnibus Editions
IV. Extraneous (for guest browsing)
.....a) Traditional Literature
.....b) My Publications
.....c) Children's/Folk Tales
V. Full-Size Magazines
VI. General Literature
.....a) Poetry
.....b) Drama
.....c) Prose
..........i. Contemporary
..........ii. Romantic
..........iii. Realist
..........iv. Victorian
..........v. Modernist Existentialist
..........vii. Post-Modernist
.....d) Anthologies
.....e) Children's/Picture Books
VII. Interactive
VIII. Novelty
IX. Reference
.....a) I'm too lazy to go check all the sections I use; suffice to say they're sorted by topic
X. Reference - Arts/Career/Writing
XI. Serial Fiction
XII. Zines

How many books do I have in total?
No clue currently. When I finish cataloguing them all, I'll let you know.
A propos de moi
Pay no attention to the shelf collecting myriad copies/translations of Les Mis.

I am that John Mulaney skit about the college experience, but with Adderall instead of cocaine; I, too, was an English major who paid $200,000 for professors to tell me to read books, and then I didn't. I mean, I did *sometimes,* but... yk. Who has the time.

Medium preference: paper, especially hardcover (bonus if leatherbound). First alternate, digital - PDF or in-browser page.
Ideal bookmark form: attached ribbon or card paper.
Oxford comma stance: eschew it at your peril.
Doylist or Watsonian: desperately wants to be a Watsonian, but often forced into Doylism.
Most battered copies: the Harry Potter series.
Book crimes: I write in, dog-ear, and frequently accidentally stain my copies (exceptions being expensive/fancy ones).
Literary pretension: this. Also, using a bookplate stamp to mark my copies, and an excessively complex organization system.
Controversial opinions: Catcher in the Rye is good, and so is Lolita; The Hunger Games deserves more respect; Snape did not deserve redemption; and Rupi Kaur is overrated.
Lit-themed tattoos: Frankenstein, Hamlet, House of Leaves, Les Miserables (x2), Peter Pan (x2), The Raven Cycle, Six of Crows.
Favorite bookshops: Shakespeare and Company (Paris, FR), The Bookery (Placerville, CA, USA), The Last Bookstore (Los Angeles, CA, USA), City Lights (San Francisco, CA, USA).
Authors I would punch in the face: Orson Scott Card, Clarissa Clare (Cassandra? Whatever her name is), H. P. Lovecraft, Ayn Rand, J. K. Rowling.
Authors I would invite to a dinner party: Neil Gaiman, Victor Hugo, Rick Riordan, Sappho, William Shakespeare, Mary Shelley, Richard Siken, whoever wrote Animorphs.
Authors I'd pit against one other in a gladiator battle: C. S. Lewis, Phillip Pullman, J. R. R. Tolkien. You know why.
Lieu (géographique)
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