A propos de ma bibliothèque
Mostly works of fiction - novels/novellas (graphic novels included), short story collections and poetry. I try not to restrict myself to one or two particular genres, as I tend to focus highly on storytelling and characterization. If those are good I'll read the book. I do enjoy reading local (San Francisco and Bay Area) authors because I like to see their expression of life in the City.

Occasionally I will include nonfiction books like exhibit catalogs and the like. Recently I've gotten into photoessays and art books.
A propos de moi
Apologies if I seem quiet in the discussion and comment / feedback circles. It's mostly because I'm out browsing for new books to read!

When I'm not buying and reading books (real books, not virtual ones) I'm sketching things/places/people, taking photographs using crusty old cameras I've bought on eBay, or playing fetch with my dog at the beach.
Lieu (géographique)
San Francisco, CA
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