A propos de moi
now reflecting upon possession/appropriation
now reflecting upon women/power
now reflecting upon leib/empathy
now reflecting upon gender neutral pronouns
now reflecting upon the mechanisms of misunderstanding
now reflecting upon theory of perception applied to holes
now reflecting upon possible doctoring of statistics
now reflecting upon 'letting others do for me'
now reflecting upon meme theory applied to midcult
now reflecting upon time inside images
now reflecting upon opcharts aesthetics and ethics
now reflecting upon moore paradox and belief
now reflecting upon beauty as a shock
now reflecting upon the concept of resemblance
now reflecting upon speaking functions opposite speaking being
now reflecting upon waiting as a delirium
now reflecting upon female body in baroque poetics
now reflecting upon (again) infovis and information ethics
now reflecting upon totalitarianism of communication
now reflecting upon desire as flows
now reflecting upon physical feminism
now reflecting upon the origins of desire
now thinking of aelia laelia crispis
non reflecting upon distance and having
now reflecting upon general intellect as socially related
now reflecting upon scenographies of power
now reflecting upon sign and trace in respect to truth
now reflecting upon pitfalls of simplification
now reflecting upon the liberating power of any vision
now reflecting upon avoidance as accuracy
now reflecting upon influence as violation

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