Nom réel
Juha Kurvinen
A propos de moi
Hi there,
My name is Juha Kurvinen (born 1975) and I come from Finland. I have a artistic name "Crazy Finn", because I'm also a Comedy & Chainsaw Juggler with 2 official Guinness World Records. I also teach juggling to adults (work tress) and for children (ADHD cases). Juggling helps for both of these cases.

I started writing after my visit to Pyongyang, North Korea. I have been performing in president Kim Il-sung birthday party for two weeks and it was extraordinary experience to me. My friends asked me many times: "What happened in Pyongyang, North Korea?", but it was too long story to tell shortly. So, that's why I started to write my first book "CIRCUS PYONGYANG: A gig to North Korea" what you can find in Amazon Kindle.

My first book (CIRCUS PYONGYANG: A gig to Norht Korea) was released in Finnish 15.4.2013 and English Edition was released in 1.5.2014. Translator was author Tommi-Pekka Astikainen. Now, because it's in English, I have lot of expectations for it. Now everybody can read the true story: what the hell happened there?

I'm juggler and writer and on my free time I play pool or Texas Hold'em Poker. I also love diving and reading.

Thanks for reading and also I would be really thankful if you can give reviews about my books, thanks.

Juha Kurvinen
juggler, author
Lieu (géographique)
Turku, Finland
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