
spoon (1), information. wolves. yellowstone. nature. animals. (1), immigration. immigrant. farm work. new beginnings. life. changes. family. work. hard times. (1), immigration. immigrant. making changes.. peace. protest. fight for rights. rights. farm work. (1), asian american. vietnam. immigration. immigrant. Vietnam War. new life. changes. new beginnings. (1), Anne Frank. Holocaust. WWII. information (1), goodnight. objects. bed time. simple. (1), friends. friendship. journeys. adventures. fantasy. life. storm. (1), folktale. moral. gingerbread. cookie. friends. funny. (1), Anne Frank. Holocaust. WWII. pictures. photography. information. (1), domestic abuse. violence. growth. relationships. parents. siblings. love. courage. new beginnings. changes. (1), friendship. moving. growing up. relationships. uncles. mothers. gender roles. janitorial. school. new beginnings. changes. writing. feelings. (1), cat. dog. animals. pets. imagination. space travel. cooking. outer space. (1), life. changes. music. world peace. Earth. humanitarian. (1), chickens. father. son. relationships. bedtime. storytelling. (1), changes. life changes. life. (1), world. people. differences. diversity.culture. (1), diversity. life. love. acceptance. simple. gifts. (1), tadpole. caterpillar. butterfly. changes. (1), immigration. irish. potato famine. family. elderly relationships. (1), families. poetry. diversity. acceptance. people. animals. (1), milestones. coming of age. embracing. girls. female. gender. (1), adoption. mothers. daughters. differences. changes. diversity. acceptance. love. (1), immigration. siblings. family. US. Mexico. border. journeys. survival.iimmigrant. (1), chocolate. life. experience. adventure. (1), jazz. music. girls. love. cinderella. different. spin off. (1), immigration. afghanistan. refugee. (1), immigration. sisters. family. siblings. (1), duck. vietnam. thanksgiving. (1), multicultural. families. different. love. grandparents. (1), immigration. migrant. north. mexico. (1), languages. english. ell. learning. new. different. changes. immigration. (1), disability. down syndrome. friends. acceptance. (1), names. immigration. changes. new life. (1), immigration. refugee. travel. forced. freedom. (1), vietnam. lotus. plant. immigration. (1), illlusions. duck. rabbit. (1), field trip. farm. horses. animals. kindergarten. funny. (1), african america. familiy. slavery. history. (1), poop. funny. animals. (1), freedom. friendship. asian. folklore. (1), reluctant readers. books. library. (1), sharks. ocean. (1), volcanoes. catastrophe. Krakatoa (1), mouse. dance. valentines. diva. (1), homeless. adventure. making changes. (1), utensils. odd. funny. acceptance. (1), civil war. history. slavery. soldiers. friendship. (1), girls. identity. gender. coming of age. poetry. (1), insects. learning. informational. young learners. (1), teeth. dentistry. show and tell. siblings. fathers. public speaking. weird. fantasy. (1), nocturnal. night life. animals. animotion. colors. vibrant. (1), fairytales.funny. classics. (1), night time. darkness. candy. eating. (1), skunk. dog. family. friends. smell. (1), interactive. fun. dots. shapes. sizes. (1), family. scared. play. jam. friends. (1), bedtime. mother. baby. kisses. (1), school. family. magic. teacher. love. happy. annoyances. intelligent. girl. principal. (1), alphabet. food. actions. good. bad. work for something. kitty. cat. pets. (1), pillow fight. bed time. children. play. parents. (1), shoe. baby. lost. parents. anmals. (1), hero. helpless. princess. hair. castle. (1), safety. school. dog. mans best friend. funny. officer. rules. (1), friendship. special. love. death. disabilities. hope. dreams. teacher. students. classroom. (1), dog. boots. shoes. fairy tales. classics (1), dogs. ball. friendship. forgiveness. emotions. (1), pigs. friendship. differences. travel. postcards. (1), prize. big. small. sizes. (1), pigs. chicken. friendship. thunderstorm. (1), siblings. travel. adventure. sea. sea life. (1), cows. chickens. ducks. farmer. typewriter. demands. animals. farm. (1), love. bedtime. cat. family. friends. pets. (1), family. siblings. city. library. reading. (1), friends. wedding. flower girl. dreams. (1), insects. 3d. fun. learning. bugs. science. informational. (1), poems. animals. scary. big. bad. (1), acceptance. Chinese. differences. diversity. Family. garden. Neighbors. Vegetables. (1), action. adventure. boys. coming of age. nature. plane. crash. survival. wilderness. (1), mexican. folktales. changes. alternate endings. ghosts. rivers. plants. family. (1), red. eyed. tree. frog. frogs. animals. animal life. biology. (1), library. books. change. opening up your mind. being flexible. new discovery. siblings. (1), bedtime. goodnight. monsters. scary. (1), poetry. death. loss. learning. siblings. teachers. adoption. friends. life. moving forward. adapting to changes. coping. (1), poet. biography. uprising. colors. past. present. love. (1), black and white. carrots. creepy. scary. nightmares. opposite stories. bunny. rabbit. funny. (1), friends. babysit. family. siblings. growing up. (1), mother. daughter. friends. family. disability. past. identification. (1), mother. daughter. bears. lessons. (1), garden. gardener. city. nature. natural resources. city. changes. seasons. green. (1), Lizards. Art. Desert. Animals. Friends. Paint. (1), Rain. Siblings. Activities. Storm. Indoors. Outdoors. (1), frogs. weird. flying. pigs. mystery. (1), time. places. differences. camera. pictures. ocean. sea life. (1), scary. fears. (1), opposites. pictures. up. down. right. left. (1), snow. sled. friends. animals. (1), colors. music. song. (1), zoo. animals. fun. explore. (1), hiding. laws. government. internet. changes. (1)
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Inscrit depuis
Jan 9, 2013