Nom réel
Graeme Stone
A propos de ma bibliothèque
I have a library I've been carrying around for over 20 years, and have dedicated some time to reading it. Everything from the collected travels of Lews & Clark is in there, to Arthur C. Clarke (wah!). If I could read for a living, I would. From "the Way Things Work," to Poe, to Dickens, to Proust, and yes, even King and Danielle Steele. I just love stories. Or maybe this belongs in the ABOUT ME section.
A propos de moi
Mmm, George Gordon Lord Byron. Oh! Sorry, I was lost just like back in English sophomore year. I'm not a huge reader and am hopelessly trying to make up for lost time and fall woefully short of my family's great history of reading. I read a lot of non-fiction, particularly disaster books, but I also like Armistead Maupin ("The Night Listener" I could not put down) and am reading "In Defense of Food," which I also can't put down. Give me a book I can't put down.
Lieu (géographique)
LA, right downtown
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