A propos de ma bibliothèque
Looking through my library I see that I do enjoy female authors. And I like to read fiction. I try to get some classics in there every year. My favorite books ever are (in no particular order) The Poisonwood Bible by Kingslover, Beloved by Morrison, Family Pictures by Sue Miller, The Bonfire of the Vanities by Wolfe, Cold Mountain by Frazen, and The Godfather by Puzo. My favorite authors are Barbara Kingslover, Jane Austen, Sue Miller, Alice Hoffman, John Steinbeck.
A propos de moi
Fifty something school library worker, pursuing a master's degree in library science. Married mother of two boys, 14 and 18. Mother of 2 year old chocolate lab. Loves to read, garden, do crossword puzzles, and spend time with friends and family.