Nom réel
A propos de ma bibliothèque
I'm just beginning! I am a voracious reader, and read just about anything. If I could put the back of my shampoo bottle in My Library, well, then, you get the point. I simply love to read.

The first book I read All By Myself was Hans Christian Anderson's "Little Match Girl". (That's probably why I became a Social Worker, but that's beside the point!) When all of the other kids at day care were playing, I was reading. When our little town built a library, I was one of the first people in town to have a library card. The books categorized "for you, dear" were all on one shelf. So, I started at one end, and read all the books on that shelf. I discovered some favorites, but I knew there were more to be found. I convinced The Library Lady I was ready to move on to another shelf. She agreed, and thus was born my "I Will Read Anything" attitude.

I now, however, put parameters on books. Fiction, Non-Fiction, Biographies...they all must grab my attention in the first 15 pages or so. I am not a Book Snob. Sometimes all I want is "brain candy"...other times, I want to be challenged. I love to learn about the world, and myself, through the written word.

My philosophy is simply this: Life is short, so I don't waste time on books that are a waste of time. After all, My Favorite Book could just be on the next shelf!
A propos de moi
My name is Vicky I live near the University of Alabama...ROLL TIDE!! I married a wonderful man, and we have a wonderful, (funny, smart, sweet, beautiful...) daughter. I work full time outside the home as a Social Worker in a long term care facility (aka nursing home), where I also serve as the Alzheimer's Dementia Unit Coordinator. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my job, but it is very stressful. Reading is my stress relief!
Lieu (géographique)