
fiction (194), children (64), fantasy (54), nonfiction (38), YA (31), jedi (30), star wars (30), sci-fi (21), Christian (18), horror (16), goosebumps (15), girls (10), survival (9), psychology (8), philosophical (6), orca (4), killer whale (4), MG (4), whale (4), research history (3), textbook (3), christian (2), Goosebumps (2), writing aid (2), horse competition (2), horses (2), girl drama (2), Shannara (1), relationships/purity (1), banned (1), Sci-Fi (1), Willy (1), amnesia (1), Keiko (1), Springer (1), whales (1), drugs (1), dog (1), cats (1), Luna (1), spy (1), thriller (1), romance (1), werewolves (1), middle school (1), high school (1), adult (1), classic (1), courtship dating (1)
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Inscrit depuis
Jun 14, 2009
A propos de ma bibliothèque
I'll read pretty much anything although, my favorite genre is fantasy.
A propos de moi
I'm an avid reader. I am an academic advisor by trade. When I'm not working, I'm usually watching shows, drawing or reading. I enjoy spending time with my husband, family and friends too though. My passion is killer whales.
Lieu (géographique)
Rochester, MI
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