
Law (419), Literature (172), Biography (153), History (126), Autobiography and Memoir (88), Supreme Court (76), Feminism and Women's Rights (68), Constitutional Law (66), Music (60), Politics (60), International Law (53), Judaism (50), American History (48), Art (46), Civil Rights (40), Religion (37), American Politics (34), Opera (34), Women and the Law (32), Photography (29), Travel (27), Drama (23), Reference (21), Swedish Law and Language (18), Journalism (18), Cooking (17), Economics (15), Education (13), Letters (12), Abraham Lincoln (12), Foreign Policy (12), Race and Justice (11), Grammar and Style (11), Mystery (10), First Amendment (9), War on Terror (9), Food (9), Gastronomy (9), Free Speech and the Right to Privacy (8), Humor (8), Hawaii (8), Philosophy (8), Gender Descrimination (7), Health (7), Civil Liberties (7), Poetry (6), Mythology (6), First Ladies (6), Sports (6), Legal Writing (6), Science (5), World War II (5), Appellate Courts (5), Activism (5), Psychology (5), Marriage Equality (5), Death Penalty (5), Civil War (5), Vietnam War (5), Relationships (4), Children's Books (4), Cornell University (4), Voting Rights (4), Mathematics (4), Physics (3), Aging (3), Etiquette (3), Legal Humor (3), Bush v. Gore (3), Sociology (3), Grief (3), Architecture (3), Widowhood (3), Public Opinion (2), Birds (2), Essays (2), Archaeology (2), Futurism (2), Brooklyn (2), Natural History (1), Graphic Novel (1), Entertainment (1), Korean War (1), Dance (1), Horticulture (1), Fitness (1), Columbia University (1)
Nuage des mots-clés, Nuage des auteurs, Miroir des mots-clés
Inscrit depuis
Jan 22, 2022
Nom réel
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
A propos de ma bibliothèque
The portion of the library currently included here is that offered for auction at Bonhams New York as The Library of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (online sale ending 27 January 2022). Other portions of the library were donated by the Ginsburg family to various charities and institutions. If and when lists of those additional books can be located, they will be added here.

The Bonhams catalog information has been included here with the permission of Bonhams and the Ginsburg family, for which we are very grateful.

The auction at Bonhams saw every lot sell, for a total of some $2.4 million.

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Please contact Legacy Libraries coordinator Jeremy Dibbell.
A propos de moi
Ruth Bader Ginsburg (15 March 1933 – 18 September 2020), lawyer and associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States from 1993 until her death.

"Reading is the key that opens doors to many good things in life. Reading shaped my dreams, and more reading helped me make my dreams come true." - RBG
Lieu (géographique)
Washington, D.C.