Nom réel
Jodi Lea Stewart
A propos de ma bibliothèque

I am new to Library Thing, so I have only downloaded the novels I have written. When I know more about the site, I'll add books I love. I am an author of both historical and contemporary fiction. My seventh novel, The Gold Rose, launches in early 2023.

A propos de moi

In a nutshell, I'm a fiction author who believes in and writes about the triumph of the human spirit through overcoming adversity. I grew up smelling cedar berries and cow pens on a large cattle ranch wedged between the Navajo Nation and the White Mountain Apache Tribe. My friends were Native American and Hispanic, with a few Anglos thrown in for good measure.

My pastimes were singing to chickens, climbing giant petroglyph-etched boulders, hanging on for dear life in the back end of rattly old pickups driven over terracotta roads so washed out they qualified as mini-Grand Canyons, and riding one of the orneriest horses God ever put on this planet. Many monsoon seasons later, and armed with enough life hacks to fill the Grand Canyon, I write action-packed historical and contemporary novels set in the South, the Southwest, and far beyond. In fact, my latest novel, which launches in early 2023, begins in Texas and extends into Argentina, Brazil, China, and Italy.

The SILKI, THE GIRL OF MANY SCARVES novels are my only Young-Adult books, but I promise they are for all ages. Woven with Navajo culture and lore, these adventure mysteries feature a sassy Navajo teen living in the Navajo Nation. Her penchant for predicaments and her addiction to scarves keep her up to her neck in adventures. Book One, Summer of the Ancient won the First-Place Award for YA Fiction in the NEW MEXICO-ARIZONA BOOK AWARDS Contest in 2022.

Lieu (géographique)
Arizona, Texas
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