Nom réel
Istoria Publishing, LLC
A propos de moi
Founded in 2010, Istoria Books is a Print-on-Demand (POD) and epublisher dedicated to offering well-told stories at affordable prices. Istoria Books aspires to be the digital publishing house readers can count on for good reads offered at e-appropriate prices.

If you just received your first eReader, you’re discovering how enjoyable it is to keep hundreds of books in an easy-to-handle device that fits in your pocketbook, briefcase or tote bag.

But you’ve probably also discovered that picking winning books that keep you clicking to the next page is difficult. In an age where anyone can sell anything online, how do you know which books are the good ones?

Istoria Books will help you choose good reads. Our affordable prices will allow you to sample new authors without worry.

What We Publish
Istoria Books currently offers a small inventory of literary fiction, mystery, romance and women's fiction. We are interested in literary/upmarket, romance, women's fiction, inspirational, mystery/thriller, sci-fi/fantasy, and young adult.

Who Runs Istoria
The three principals of Istoria Books are: Matthew, Libby and Hannah Sternberg. Matthew brings more than 20 years of business experience to the organization while Libby and Hannah are both published novelists with extensive editing experience. Libby's first YA mystery was an Edgar nominee and her other works have been critically acclaimed. She has written humorous women's fiction under the name Libby Malin.
Lieu (géographique)
Lancaster, PA
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