Nom réel
Iona Main Stewart
A propos de ma bibliothèque
I am keen on good books on health matters, spirituality, modern science and books about those from other planets (universes). I have recently discovered the fantastic works of Dolores Cannon. In the realms of spirituality my favourite authors are Joel S. Goldsmith, Joseph Murphy and Neville.
A propos de moi
I suffer from various autoimmune ailments so I read many books on health matters. I don't get about a lot since I eat a restricted diet and have to make all my own meals, and have a lot of time for reading. I'm interested in alternative medicine, healing and that type of thing.

I have begun to receive wonderful healing from MAP (Medical Assistance Program) - see book of same name by Machaelle Small Wright. Already after about a month I see and feel improvement and hope to become completely well. MAP is amazing - check it out, especially of you suffer from ill-health, but even if you don't.
Lieu (géographique)
Odense, Denmark
En cours de lecture

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