Nom réel
Chris Pearce
A propos de ma bibliothèque
In fiction, I mainly like historical novels. In non-fiction, I like a range of subjects, including history, science, sport, and social issues.
A propos de moi
Chris Pearce was born in Surrey, UK in 1952, and grew up in Melbourne, Australia. He has qualifications in economics, management/marketing and writing/editing. He worked as a public servant (federal and state) for 25 years and in the real world for 12.5 years.

He has written a historical novel, A Weaver’s Web, set in the Manchester area of the UK in the early 19th century. It follows the lives of the Wakefield family through poverty and wealth. After unsuccessfully targeting many literary agents, including one who compared his manuscript to John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath, he decided to publish it as an ebook. It has a star average of 4.7 at Amazon.

He also has a non-fiction book (print only), Through the Eyes of Thomas Pamphlett: Convict and Castaway, which he plans to publish as an ebook later in 2014. He is writing a book on the history of daylight saving time and has some notes towards a novel set 80 years into the future.

His other hobbies include family history and tenpin bowling.

Chris and his wife live in Brisbane, Australia.
Lieu (géographique)
Brisbane, Australia
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