Nom réel
Beverly Swerling
A propos de ma bibliothèque
As a working novelist I don't get as much time as I like to read other fiction. When I'm doing a first draft, other voices get in my head. But as soon as I can - when a project is at the editing stage - I gobble up stories. My favorites recently are Sixkill by the late great Robert B. Parker. And the absolutely wonderful Room by Emma Donaghue. I'm also enjoying a new thriller by Sally Nicoll, The Power Behind the Throne. And oh yes, I love my Kindle and think e-books are on their way to giving us what the paperback provided in the '30s - an explosion of new readers. Everyone said pb's would be the end of the world as we know it as well. Not.
A propos de moi
Beverly Swerling is my birth name and I've been writing under that name for over a decade. I'm also Beverly Byrne (don't ask) and Beverly S. Martin (legit - I've been married to Bill Martin for a fair amount of time).
Lieu (géographique)
United States
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