Nom réel
A propos de ma bibliothèque
My home bookshelves contain mainly crime novels, travel guides and cookery books. I read enough non-fiction at work so rarely read non-fiction for fun.
A propos de moi
I live in York in the UK. I'm a university lecturer in syntax and language acquisition. my research concerns mainly French but I also have an interest in Arabic syntax and of course, English (my native language).

I belong to a small book club whose members are all women and we mainly read fiction by women from other countries. We ourselves are a multi-ethnic group and we try to read stuff that isn't well know but that tells us about other cultures.

I have embarked on learning several languages over the years, but have so far only become fluent in French. I've forgotten most of the German, Arabic and modern Greek that I learnt 30 years ago but am now learning Portuguese, which I am determined to try and master.
Lieu (géographique)
York, UK