Nom réel
A propos de ma bibliothèque
My library generally consists of a majority of "Young Adult" book for the simple reason that for most of my reading career I've been a young adult and still consider myself one. That being said I do read many genres and hope to broaden my spectrum of book genres. My library also contains many e-books for the simple reason that they are cheaper then their paper counterparts.
A propos de moi
I'm a 22 year old book lover with a semi-serious reading addiction. I started to get into reading in about the 8th grade, when I started to read the harry potter books (I wanted to know what was going to happen in the movies before they came out.) Before then I had never really read a book unless it was required for school.

Needless to say it snowballed from there. I now read on average somewhere around 10 books a month or sometimes as many as 20 books in a month.

Do to my reading habits I can read through about a book a day (as long as its under ~500 pages) which can be an expensive habit And because of this I thought I would come join this community to get reading recommendations and to get a chance at some free books to read and review.
Lieu (géographique)
En cours de lecture

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