Nom réel
Alan H. Jordan
A propos de ma bibliothèque
I've just joined, and it will take me a while to get all of the information into my library.
A propos de moi
I make a living writing and programming, although much of my writing is for companies and governmental organizations, and never sees the public light of day.

Over the years I’ve written 20 books. These range from a children's picture book, The Monster on Top of the Bed. See to a book on getting job interviews, Ready, Set, Win-Win.

Many of my books address niche audiences.

Also, while I’ve had my share of publicity, I also don’t seem to find the time to call radio and TV shows and “pitch” myself as a guest.

With a background in programming and writing, it seemed natural to me to publish Kindle books.

If you want to speak with me, please call my Google Voice number, (415) 562-5265. If I’m not in, leave a message, and I will get return your call. (I am located on the West Coast, GMT-8)
Lieu (géographique)
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