Critiques en avant-premièreJ. S. Breukelaar

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April 2021 Lot

Offre terminée: Avril 26 à 06:00 pm EDT

Meera and her twin sister Kai are among thousands of hybrid women—called Mades—bred by the Father in his Blood Temple cult. Meera is rescued by a mysterious healer and storyteller, Narn, but her sister, Kai, does not survive the Father’s “unmaking”—although Kai may not have accepted that yet and still follows Meera around. Years later, when the cult is discovered and abolished, Meera, still racked with guilt and grief, enrolls in college to take advantage of a generous new Redress Program. When Narn’s conjure stories buy Meera a free ride to a notorious horror reading series, she is soon the darling of the lit set, feted by the other students, finally whole, finally free of the idea that she should have died instead of her sister. But college is not all it seems—Narn has lost a sister too, and Meera agrees to try and find her if Narn will keep feeding Meera the stories that are opening her up to memories she’s never acknowledged, secrets she’s never wanted to know, about Narn’s and the Father’s connection to a violent campus stalker. Time is closing in and Meera is afraid of where she stands on the bridge between worlds—fearful of what waits on the other side.
Fiction and Literature
Offert par
Meerkat Press (Éditeur(-trice))
Information de l'éditeurPage de l'oeuvre LibraryThing
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December 2018 Lot

Offre terminée: Janvier 1 à 06:00 pm EST

A collection of six of J.S. Breukelaar's darkest, finest stories plus six new works, including the uncanny new novella, "Ripples on a Blank Shore." Relish the gothic strangeness of “Union Falls,” the alien horror of “Rogues Bay 3013,” the heartbreaking dystopia of “Glow,” the weird mythos of “Ava Rune.” Plus an introduction by award-winning author, Angela Slatter. It's clear that this collection from the author of American Monster and the internationally acclaimed and Aurealis Award finalist, Aletheia, announces a new and powerful voice in fantastical fiction.
Fantasy, General Fiction, Horror, Fiction and Literature
Offert par
Meerkat Press (Éditeur(-trice))
Information de l'éditeurPage de l'oeuvre LibraryThing
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September 2018 Lot

Offre terminée: Septembre 24 à 06:00 pm EDT

A collection of six of J.S. Breukelaar's darkest, finest stories plus six new works, including the uncanny new novella, "Ripples on a Blank Shore." Relish the gothic strangeness of “Union Falls,” the alien horror of “Rogues Bay 3013,” the heartbreaking dystopia of “Glow,” the weird mythos of “Ava Rune.” Plus an introduction by award-winning author, Angela Slatter. It's clear that this collection from the author of American Monster and the internationally acclaimed and Aurealis Award finalist, Aletheia, announces a new and powerful voice in fantastical fiction.
Fantasy, General Fiction, Horror, Fiction and Literature
Offert par
Meerkat Press (Éditeur(-trice))
Information de l'éditeurPage de l'oeuvre LibraryThing
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