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10 oeuvres 31 utilisateurs 9 critiques


*Because I did the Re-editing of this book, I cannot speak of any errors I may have or may not have found*

I absolutely love this series! It's like a The Walking Dead meets Zombieland. It's a dark and serious as any zombie horror movie is, but at the same time, the main character's narration lightens up the mood enough so the reader isn't overwhelmed by all the serious things going on.

Like most zombie stories, there's no mention, thus far, on how the outbreak started. In fact, our main character, Canada, and her family were watching the nightly news when they found out. Canada grabs her trusty pink hammer and gets to work with her husband, Will, to fortify the house. (I'm almost sad that that scene is the only mention of the infamous pink hammer)

Naturally, the family has seen enough movies and television shows, and played enough video games, concerning zombies to know they can't stay in their home. So they race against the shuffle of dragging feet and the eerie moans of the undead to get to their relatives.

Each chapter ends with a cliffhanger, forcing the reader to turn the page to see what happens next. There's more than enough action going on to keep even the most hardcore zombie fan interested, and Canada is just snarky enough to keep those with a fainter heart entertained.

All in all, Dying to Live & Fighting to Live are must haves for any zombie collection and is sure to entertain and amuse zombie lovers as young as 16 (there's some swearing sporadically in the book due to the stress of those situations so I wouldn't recommend it for readers under the age of 16)

I look forward to reading Learning to Live, book 3 in the Zombie Overload series.

I give this double edition 5 of 5 paws
S.CuAnam_Policar | 3 autres critiques | Jun 28, 2015 |
This series must be read in order. The first two books are Dying To Live & Fighting To Live - Double Edition (Zombie Overload Series).The third book is Learning To Live (Zombie Overload Series). The fourth book is Determined To Live (Zombie Overload Series).

I LOVE this series! This installment was even funnier than the last one. I am really glad that Canada finally found her feet and will no longer allow anyone else to ever push her around again. The twists this time were a doozy and I will be waiting on pins and needles for the next book to be released.

Canada finds her way back home with more strays to find a new and improved Sanctuary. There are loads of people and new buildings too. Not to mention a killer new fence...the better to keep out the trash both living and dead. Little does she know the biggest shocks of her life still lie in wait for her!

I would recommend this series to horror fans and post apocalyptic fans. Even if you don't like zombies you will after reading these books! The series is also incredibly humorous and packed full of action and adventure. I really hope the next one comes out soon!

*** This series is suitable for adult readers
LadyNocturnus | Mar 15, 2014 |
This series must be read in order! They pick up right in the action every time kinda like an old fashioned radio series. The first book is Dying To Live (Zombie Overload Series). The second book is Fighting To Live (Zombie Overload Series). The third book is Learning To Live (Zombie Overload Series).

Madness seems to abound in this book as the mayhem escalates and some questions are answered as others arise. I really think Will needs to be kept on an actual leash as at the beginning of this book poor Canada is stuck (with her broken foot in a cast and on crutches I might add) going to search for her missing husband yet again! I love Canada but I am starting to think she has really bad taste in men :)

This installment is all about Will, Jake, and Canada. It takes place way away from the little community that Canada has been building with the grand search for Will being the focus. Humor, suspense, dark comedy, action, adventure and romance all flesh out this book nicely. This book delves into thriller and horror territory left much untouched in the earlier books (unless you count the zombies).

I really love this series an am HUNGRY FOR MOOOOOOORE! Brains!!!! Err I mean books.... he he . I would recommend this series to horror fans and zombie fans... not to mention action and adventure fans (as long as they like zombies) Yes the protagonist is a girl ... yes she is bad ass... Canada is Awesomeness!!! No other series is anything like this one and I can't wait to read more!

*** This series is suitable for adult readers only
LadyNocturnus | Feb 5, 2014 |
This series MUST be read in ORDER! The first book is Dying To Live (Zombie Overload Series)and book two is Fighting To Live (Zombie Overload Series) . But all in all it is awesome :)

This is not your ordinary apocalyptic zombie story. The characters learn and grow along the way (even if they have no idea how this happened or what is going on) helping more people and gathering what(and who) they need along the way.

Canada truly rules the apocalypse with dark humor, witty banter, quick thinking, and true courage keeping the group as safe as possible in a screwed up world where although there seems to be no conspiracies no one is who or what they seem entirely. She cuts through the bs and keeps the flock together no matter what. Seems like she is singlehandedly rebuilding a familial community out of a rag tag band of survivors :)

This book contains tons of action, adventure, chills, thrills and spills! There is a bit of romance along for the ride along with suspense and darkly morbid humor with a side of slapstick... Because what's a zombie apocalypse without that? These books keep getting better and better! Can't wait to read the next one...and will be totally sad when the series ends!

**This series is suitable for adult readers only
LadyNocturnus | Feb 5, 2014 |
This series must be read in order! Each book begins where the other left off so do not skip books or you will be royally confused :) The first book is Dying To Live (Zombie Overload Series)

Canada leads her family through the zombie apocalypse on a road trip to reunite with the rest of her family on her sister Rose's farm (I think is fenced and in the country so relatively safer then where they have been) And mayhem ensues along the way! The boys learn how to shoot and they pick up more strays.

This book has loads of action and adventure with a fair bit of tragedy and suspense. I fell more in love with the characters with every page! The comedy (though dark and morbid) never lets up... I wish Canada was real so she could be my friend :) I can not wait to read the next book in this series !

***This series is suitable for adult readers only
LadyNocturnus | Feb 5, 2014 |
I found it refreshing that the lead female character in this series is an average (read plump... ie normal) mother with just the basic urge to protect her friends and family. She is an avid zombie genre fan which has prepared her ( somewhat ) for the coming apocalypse.

This truly is a novelette and a very promising beginning to the series. It was full of suspense and adventure along with quite a few thrills. I really enjoyed it a lot ( wish it was longer ) and can not wait to read the next installment!

***This series is suitable for adult readers only
LadyNocturnus | Feb 5, 2014 |
Dying To Live

I found it refreshing that the lead female character in this series is an average (read plump... ie normal) mother with just the basic urge to protect her friends and family. She is an avid zombie genre fan which has prepared her ( somewhat ) for the coming apocalypse.

This truly is a novelette and a very promising beginning to the series. It was full of suspense and adventure along with quite a few thrills. I really enjoyed it a lot ( wish it was longer ) and can not wait to read the next installment!

Fighting To Live

Canada leads her family through the zombie apocalypse on a road trip to reunite with the rest of her family on her sister Rose's farm (I think is fenced and in the country so relatively safer then where they have been) And mayhem ensues along the way! The boys learn how to shoot and they pick up more strays.

This book has loads of action and adventure with a fair bit of tragedy and suspense. I fell more in love with the characters with every page! The comedy (though dark and morbid) never lets up... I wish Canada was real so she could be my friend :) I can not wait to read the next book in this series !

The rest of this awesome series is Learning To Live (Zombie Overload Series) book 3, Determined To Live (Zombie Overload Series) book 4, and Will To Live (Zombie Overload Series) book 5.

***This series is suitable for adult readers only
LadyNocturnus | 3 autres critiques | Feb 5, 2014 |
I know what you're thinking, another Zombie book great...With the current fad going around, it's easy to be overwhelmed with mediocre boring same theme different names books.

This one, dances to it's own drums. With Canada you can relate to her, she's not the Lara Croft of the zombie world. She's that mom next door, you probably thought would be one of the first few eaten in a movie. Her inner monologue almost everyone can relate too. She takes things in stride, has the same panics any parent would, and oddly finds herself in the middle of a love triangle.

Never mind, it's not just zombies trying to kill her! It takes a more in depth look at how many people can react to the crises in different ways. It's not your average cookie cutter book; and neither are the characters. It leaves you riding the emotional roller coaster. I had the hardest time putting this book down, even my teens enjoyed the series and kept asking if I was Canada I think anyone can relate and enjoy this series!
Kitawolf | 3 autres critiques | Feb 5, 2014 |
I usually love zombies. In fact, everyone who knows me well knows that my greatest love is to discuss the zombie apocalypse. One of my favourite shows is the Walking Dead and my favourite remake of all time is Dawn of the Dead. I am a HUGE zombie fan. However, this book just irritated me.

The main character, Canada, was annoying straight from the beginning. The lines that other readers seem to like made me roll my eyes. She tried so hard to be badass that it just come across as unrealistic and desperate. All her talk about her "babies", admiring herself in military outfits while the world went to hell and she was supposed to be scared for her life, and professing her love for her husband while flirting with another man didn't exactly endear her to me. The characterization was weak all around. Either I despised the characters or I found them to be cliches. (view spoiler)[For me, the worst secondary character was Sara. Take all of the stereotypes of the skinny, bitchy, slutty woman and that's what you get with her. And just to clinch it, of COURSE she tries to poison and murder Canada, because why not? When the zombie apocalypse is occurring, it's obvious that there will be some mentally unbalanced woman who is so jealous of you and your relationship with another man (who is not your husband) that she'll try to kill you. Yup. Makes perfect sense. (hide spoiler)]

Continuing on, Canada's inner monologue was utterly ridiculous for most situations. It wasn't funny for me at all, it just grated on my nerves. The plot was highly unbelievable even for a zombie novel. I never thought I would ever say that, but it's true. It was a chore to finish this book and as harsh as it sounds, I was rooting for the main character to become zombie bait. Apologies to C.M. Wright for such a negative review, but I really disliked this novel.
jadestar31 | 3 autres critiques | Dec 4, 2013 |