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13 oeuvres 37 utilisateurs 3 critiques


This is the same book as [b:Wingless and Cursed|16324859|Wingless and Cursed|Dawn White||22462048]. I downloaded both of them before I realized they were the exact same book. Why did the author put out the book twice with different titles? Confusing.

I thought the story had promise, but the writing style was lacking. There were a lot of grammatical errors. And the story jumped around with very little explanation. I was especially annoyed with the battle scene, when Lea enters the battle scene, and suddenly she is surrounded by dismembered bodies. Where did they all come from. In the paragraph before, all the warriors were alive. We can infer they were killed in battle, but we didn't get to read about it. It could have been an epic battle scene. Instead we were left with a very short chapter where we basically jump from we are in a battle, to we have won the battle.

I think the story needs to be fleshed out more. It is a good idea for a book, but we never come to care for any of the characters.
readingover50 | 2 autres critiques | Jun 11, 2019 |
This is about the most worthless piece of crap I've ever had the displeasure of reading. Don't quit your day job.
SuziQBird | 2 autres critiques | May 9, 2018 |
I received this book in exchange for a honest review ~WaAr~
Wingless and Damned by Dawn White
Adult content 18
This book contains paranormal creatures like vampires, werewolfs, demons, fae, greek gods, and mixed breed creatures. OH MY what a packed book full of intriguing creatures. There is also a Native American tribe in the book that is human for the most part. This is a great fast read and you will want to know what will happen next in the next installment the series. I love the attraction between Alexander and Lea. This is an amazing novella that will leave you thinking it should have been made into a bigger book, because it is so well written.

The two characters that stand out the most in the book are Lea and Alexander. The book starts out in the background of how things came to be and how Lea got where she is. Lea finds out who she is from Alexander and how she belongs to the Neuri tribe and what destiny lies before her. Will she learn to control her new self or will she hurt the people she loves? I give this book a 5 star review and can't wait to learn the fates of Alexander and Lea?
Merisha_Abbott | 2 autres critiques | Aug 1, 2013 |