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Len Vlahos

Auteur de The Scar Boys

6 oeuvres 410 utilisateurs 22 critiques

A propos de l'auteur

Len Vlahos is the Executive Director of BISG, and the former COO of the American Booksellers Association, where he worked for the past 20 years. At the ABA, he had overall responsibility for ABA's Winter Institute. He has also worked in indie, chain, and university bookstores, was an on-air afficher plus personality for a commercial radio station in Atlantic City, and worked for a time for Internet marketing guru Seth Godin. He was in a punk rock band in the mid-1980s. The Woofing Cookies toured and their music was played on dozens of college radio stations coast to coast. He is the author of The Scar Boys and Scar Girl. (Bowker Author Biography) afficher moins

Œuvres de Len Vlahos

The Scar Boys (2014) 212 exemplaires, 13 critiques
Life in a Fishbowl (2017) 120 exemplaires, 6 critiques
Hard Wired (2020) 51 exemplaires, 3 critiques
Scar Girl (2016) 23 exemplaires
Welcome to Reality (2019) 2 exemplaires
La casa di vetro (2017) 2 exemplaires


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looking forward to the sequel; the audio version was excellent.
pollycallahan | 12 autres critiques | Jul 1, 2023 |
Well judging by by the glowing reviews I think this was a case of 'not for me'.

The story itself was interesting, but the telling of the story didn't work for me. It's a rather long essay that's part of an application for a university. The main character reflects on his life after being scarred when lightening struck the tree he was tied to by bullies. I wasn't drawn to any of the characters and it is more or less a 'this happened then that happened and then we did this' type of narration. I listened to it as an audiobook so maybe it was the narration itself? Not sure, but I'm sure there will be young adults at my school keen to read this.… (plus d'informations)
Mrs_Tapsell_Bookzone | 12 autres critiques | Feb 14, 2023 |
. This was an interesting book, it took me a while to read and honestly a while to get into. It reminded me of the Robin Williams movie bicentennial man. Except this time it was “a kid “. It was just a different story. I’m still trying to process my thoughts about it. Kids who like sci-fi would probably like this. And I’m thinking this has some twist on human thought when it comesTwo artificial intelligence. I just don’t know if this gets my vote.
Z_Brarian | 2 autres critiques | Dec 12, 2022 |
The synopsis of the book fascinated me, but in all honestly, does not reflect all that this book is about. But the Stone family does end up living in a "fishbowl", with their lives on display, and that is where the story really goes from good to great.

There is so much to love about the story which could be macabre, given the brain tumor that sends the whole thing into action, but it isn't. In many ways, Jared isn't the focus of the book (although his glioblastoma takes on a life of its own - quite literally, and oh, what a delight - if a brain tumor could be called such a thing.) No, the story spins around Jackie, the older of the Stone daughters, and it is her bravery, her action (and her friendship with a geeky Russian pen-pal named Max) who become true heroes as one can in the 21st century - on YouTube.

With an original premise, it is clever, heart wrenching and smart, and offers a sharp reflection on our voyeuristic leanings in this age of reality TV. I just fell in love with this book. While it's geared for 12-17 year olds, this not-17-year-old equally delighted in it.

I think you will too.
… (plus d'informations)
jenncaffeinated | 5 autres critiques | Jul 4, 2021 |


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