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10 oeuvres 30 utilisateurs 2 critiques


The life story of Jesus Christ and the various views of his fulfilling the prophecies has been laid to rest in this book. People who still hold other views regarding this subject are welcome to breeze through it and they might stumble upon something satisfying for their soul.
Roderick_Shaw | Feb 11, 2020 |
Holy run-on sentence Batman!

Seriously. It feels like 70% of this book is made up of run-on sentences. There was no reason for this. It didn't enhance the book at all. The rest of the time was Oppenheimer remembering events from his past. I really didn't like the writer's style. Maybe I just don't get it. Maybe I'm not sophisticated enough to really understand a book like this. I have a degree in English Lit, so I like to think I'm not that uncouth.

I love historical fiction, and I'm fascinated by nuclear history, so I'm always excited to see books that blend the two. Of the three books I've read that feature this combo (This one, The Wives of Los Alamos and Atomic City Girls), all have fallen flat. I'm still waiting for a book that handles the subject well.

I award 1 star for the author writing a book. Most people won't ever do this, so kudos.
I award a 2nd star for finding someone to publish your book.
I cannot award any further stars, because did not enjoy this book at all. I honestly regret ever requesting to read this.

I received a free copy of this e-book (via NetGalley) in exchange for an honest review.
LISandKL | Jan 18, 2018 |