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This is the second book I've read in this series. I do admit the cute Maine Coon cat on the covers were 99.9% of the least to begin with. l've been owned by more than one cat in my lifetime so I had no problem believing that Merlin was magical and could solve mysteries, or that he owned a human. Then I quickly found out that Merlin is not actually a cat. He's really a witch...being that he's male I guess he's a warlock...anyway he's magical and solves mysteries. Gracie thinks she is Merlin's owner, (silly human), but if you have been owned by a cat, you know this isn't true but, to get more tuna, Merlin is willing to go along with he knows she is actually his familiar...and she is starting to settle into that role rather nicely, but the magic world around them can't let that happen. As one reviewer adequately remarked "This book went by in a blur of shenanigans and cat fur.". I thought that described it rather well. It kept me guessing and of course my guesses were never right. It's a completely different twist on the cat and familiar relationship and not what I usually read but I think I might be hooked on Merlin and might consider applying for the 'familiar" position should he need another one.
Carol420 | 1 autre critique | Jul 8, 2024 |
I wanted to read this book since I read the first book in the series. I read my review and saw that it stated that I wouldn't be reading about Bridget since she was the crazy one. Guess who's the main character in this one? Bridget seems to have calmed down somewhat and is a vet tech living in Alaska with her 3 dogs. The apartment she lives in has a hunk of a man with two dogs and they begin running together. In the beginning, he's very cold to her and she has no idea why.

Then she finds out why he's so closed off with her. She finds out from one of her friends boyriends when all the girls who she met at the hospital with their ill parent(s) meet him together at their weekly potluck dinner at Bridget's apartment.

It all ended up the way I thought it would be. Fast book that I read in two days.
sweetbabyjane58 | 1 autre critique | Jun 1, 2024 |
As I have said before, I am not a big fan of cozy mysteries, but I am a huge fan of anything with four feet and fur...and I found that this series while boarding greatly on the ridiculous and totally impossible high on the side of out and out cuteness. Angie has the unusual ability to converse and understand OctoCat, her cat. OctoCat has an even more unusual ability, as it seems he owns, and can use, an iPad. When you think about it, that's kind of scary since that is more than some humans can do:) Angie tries to keep all this quiet but now she's been caught by the new lawyer at the law firm where she is a paralegal. When everyone is supposed to have gone to a lunch, she gets a face time call from OctoCat. He tells her that there is a fly in his Evian and she needs to come home NOW, to remove it and clean and refill his water dish. While she is arguing and telling him she will ask a friend to come take care of it, Charles, the new lawyer comes in and catches her carrying on a diffident conversation on facetime, with her cat. I didn't see why he found that so strange since I think my cat could have easily used Facetime if she had wanted to. He now knows that she can talk to and understand the cat and he asks her help on a case... if she can speak cat maybe she can also speak dog??? The dog in question may have seen his owner murdered and can tell them who did it. She says she can't understand the dog, but OctoCat who speaks fluent dog can be an interpreter for them. Angie doesn't believe their client was the murderer and persuades her mom, who is a television reporter, to not air the planned special on the murder with the promise of an exclusive later. OctoCat also reminds her that she "owes" him a big, huge, gigantic favor for putting up with and talking to the dog in the first place. It gets rather wild for a bit toward the end. Charles comes up with valid proof of who the murderer is while Angie is trying to get a confession from who she thinks the murderer is. If you just need a quick fun read, this series so far has been that.
Carol420 | 5 autres critiques | Apr 6, 2024 |
I'm just going to list all the things I didn't like about this book:

1) The title bears no relation to the story except there are dogs in the book. Wednesdays don't figure into it. Whyyyyy?

b) Quote: ""'Cilantro is the leaf of the plant. Coriander is the stem.'" Uh, no.

iii) There is zero chemistry between the two main characters and no relationship development; we hardly see them together; and then abracadabra, they are in love.

Fourth) Quote: "... and even her dogs -- for animals were people, too" No, they are demonstrably not people.

42) It was so short, I felt like I might as well just finish it, and it wasn't even a satisfying hate read.

2 stars
katiekrug | 1 autre critique | Mar 25, 2024 |
We talk to our pets everyday but how cool would it be to really understand the conversation? Okay ...maybe "cool" and "curse" would both be the right term here. This is a delightfully amusing story about how a woman achieved the ability to not only talk to but understand every single word her cat said...and oh the things she learned! Angie Russo's life was just fine until she experienced a near-death experience, and she suddenly found she could understand and talk to animals. Her cat, Octavius Maxwell Ricardo Edmund Frederick Fulton... or Octo-Cat", was a typical feline...well, as typical as a cat can ever be... who thinks humans are the lesser, but necessary, creatures, that were put on this Earth to serve and deliver each and every feline desire. By the way...this is the opinion shared by ALL cats, everywhere in the world, just in case you haven't realized that yet. If you are owned by a cat, you soon will. Together, Angie and Octo-Cat manage to find a murderer. There is lots of humor, interesting characters and a few unexpected twists in this story. The ending was unexpected. It was a fun story even if it was a bit on the ridiculous side...but that's my lowly human opinion. Angie's not Sherlock Holmes by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm sure that her skills will grow in the future since she has a top-notch teacher. Of course, Octo-Cat was great. He's he rightly should be, but he's so hilarious and sweet as only a cat can be, and he says that Angie is his best friend in the world.... now come and work this can-opener.
Carol420 | 14 autres critiques | Mar 13, 2024 |
***I received this ebook from NetGalley****

This is the story of four women - Bridget, Amy, Hazel and Nichole - who met while each had a parent in the cancer ward of the local hospital. During that time, they started the Sunday Potluck Club which would be hosted at one woman's home weekly and everyone else would need to bring something.

Amy recently lost her mom and is getting ready to get back to work as a second-grade teacher. One of her students is extremely withdrawn when she arrives as a new student to the school. Bridget volunteers at a local animal shelter and decides to do a Valentine's Day Adoption Event.

For the most part, the book seems to revolve around Amy and Bridget's stories while Hazel and Nichole are interspersed throughout. It was a good, quick, lighthearted read once you get past the first 50 pages or so.
Cathie_Dyer | 10 autres critiques | Feb 29, 2024 |
This was a sweet, clean romance with mystery. Sarah and Finch met and set off to discover the secret his great grandmother has that she seems to want to tell before her death. Along the way, Sarah and Finch also have secrets and issues regarding themselves they need to solve.
brenczkowski | Aug 28, 2023 |
Included until 9/12/2023.

FROM AMAZOM: What makes a place feel like home? A mother's embrace, the warmth of new friendship, a sweet reunion-all can be found in these unforgettable stories....

Three's a Crowd - Fern Michaels

This Mother's Day will be the first in three years that Samantha Stewart has spent with her parents. And she's bringing a very special gift - the baby granddaughter they've never met. Sam's work as an overseas reporter was exhilarating and dangerous. Now she's seeking stability for little Caroline - and answers for herself - and finding them in a homecoming full of surprises....

New Beginnings in Blue Hollow Falls - Donna Kauffman

The moment she set foot in Blue Hollow Falls, Dubliner Katie MacMillan felt right at home. Back to help with her sister's pregnancy, she's contemplating her own future, especially when she confronts Declan MacGregor, her childhood tormentor and first crush. This Blue Ridge town was supposed to be a new beginning, but can it also be the setting for a second chance?

Bring Me Home - Melissa Storm

For Hazel Long, spending time with her bedridden father is bittersweet. There's comfort in the friendship offered by other hospital visitors - and the kindness of a handsome male nurse. And when Hazel's father begins to tell her the story of the mother she barely knew, it's an unexpected chance to bond, and a lesson in making the most of each new day.
Gmomaj | 2 autres critiques | Aug 15, 2023 |
Kitty Confidential (Pet Whisperer P.I. Book 1)by Molly Fitz

A fast paced cozy mystery, engaging often funny dialog, original (fun) plot and likable characters. A talking cat added to my fondness of this story. Overall I found Kitty Confidential enjoyable. I recommend to those who like mystery with a feline twist.
SheriAWilkinson | 14 autres critiques | May 19, 2023 |
A fun, quick read probably most enjoyed by cat lovers.
KellyCook | 14 autres critiques | May 12, 2023 |
"I was just your normal twenty-something with seven associate degrees and no idea what I wanted to do with my life. That is, until I died . . . Well, almost.As if a near-death experience at the hands of an old coffeemaker wasn't embarrassing enough, I woke up to find I could talk to animals. Or rather one animal in particular.His full name is Octavius Maxwell Ricardo Edmund Frederick Fulton, but since that's way too long for anyone to remember, I've taken to calling him Octo-Cat. He talks so fast he can be difficult to understand, but seems to be telling me that his late owner didn't die of natural causes like everyone believes.Well, now it looks like I no longer have a choice, apparently my life calling is to serve as Blueberry Bay's first ever pet whisperer P.I. while maintaining my façade as a paralegal at the offices of Fulton, Thompson & Associates. I just have one question: How did Dr. Doolittle make this gig look so easy?"
salem.colorado | 14 autres critiques | Mar 13, 2023 |
Angie Russo's current temp assignment is working as a paralegal at Fulton, Thompson, and Associates in Glendale, Maine. It was quite a morning when Angie met Octavius Maxwell Ricardo Edmund Frederick Fulton in the conference room at work. Quite a morning!

I can't wait until you read Angie's story. Or, perhaps I should say Octo-Cat's story. This cozy is the very definition of cozy mystery fun! I was laughing out loud from the moment Octavius introduced himself to Angie. When they agree to become a sleuthing team, they're invincible.

It is an entertaining delight with investigation twists, but the cutest cozy moments are the conversations between Angie and Octo-Cat, especially when Octo-Cat explains food and drink preferences and the timing of service. Their in-person conversations are fun, but I loved Angie's unique communication technique when they are in different locations. Fur-tastic creativity!

As Melissa Storm writes as Molly Fitz for cozy mystery titles, I'm also looking forward to reading more of her cozies and HEA romances!
FerneMysteryReader | 14 autres critiques | Mar 6, 2023 |
Hoppy Holiday Homicide (Pet Whisperer P.I. Book 9) by Molly Fitz

A festive murder/mystery with a likable cast of Characters. Angie has the ability to talk to her pets, she and her three fur-babies solve crimes. Told with quick-wit, engaging dialog, humor and classic who-done-it feel. Perfect for a one sitting read. I highly recommend Hoppy Holiday Homicide to those who enjoy cozy murder/mysteries with a Holiday theme.
SheriAWilkinson | Dec 12, 2022 |
I have read this series from Book 1. I love the human/animal interactions and relationships. It's good to see some old friends. This one is a little infuriating, a little tear-jerking, a lot heartwarming and very satisfying.
mitchma | Oct 13, 2022 |
paranormal, ghosts, Maine, bed-and-breakfast, amateur-sleuth, murder, small-business, small-town, friendship, cozy-mystery, verbal-humor, situational-humor, new-series*****

What fun!
Sydney ran away from herself and the pig farm she was raised on. She transformed herself into the perfect successful New Yorker with the boss for her live-in boyfriend. Then it all went to pixie stix. She found an incredible old mansion in Maine for the price of her severance package, had no experience in hospitality, and determined to open a B&B. But the ghosts (especially the entitled talking cat) said it couldn't be done and they wouldn't co-operate until their former mistress was cleared of suicide and her murder solved! Great story, delightful characters (live AND ghostly), and inventive sleuthing. A fun read!
jetangen4571 | 1 autre critique | Sep 20, 2022 |
Oh, Scarlett! Why do you not listen to Sir Bogart! He warned you in the first book; he warned you in the second book. Now he warned you again. Girl, you need to heed his warnings!

Sydney Coleman left her big city life behind and now owns Moonlight Manor. She tried to turn her manor into a B&B, but her ghostly roomies derailed that plan. Then, with the assistance of the ghosts she set up ghost tours of the manor. But a dead body the morning after the debut of tours axed that plan. Sydney desperately needs money to pay the bills. Her latest idea is to auction off some the antiques scattered throughout the manor.

As her best friend Frannie and the ghosts help her compile an inventory of items for the auction, they discover a secret room. Behind a hidden panel, Sydney comes across a gem-laden dagger. Bogey warns Sydney that the dagger is cursed, but Sydney does not heed his advice.

Then the arrival of unexpected – and unwelcome – bidders lead to Sydney’s once again finding herself with a dead body and having to prove her innocence.

This is a lighthearted, fun series with a cast made up of the ideal best friend, friendly neighbors, a cook and butler who are ghosts, an aloof ghost feline, and Sydney. I am totally loving the ghosts.

I highly recommend this delightful series. This entire series of three books can easily be read over a relaxing weekend.

I received an advance copy of this book. All opinions expressed here are my own.
BettyTaylor56 | Sep 20, 2022 |
Once again Molly and Trixie have given their readers a fun escape from their everyday lives. Book 2 in this series gives us a murder mystery set in a haunted house, along with some laughs and feel-good vibes. I absolutely loved it!

Poor Scarlett just cannot get a break. Her plans to set up a B&B in her newly acquired mansion didn’t work out. With Halloween approaching and desperate for some income, she decides to host some haunted house tours. Should be a breeze since she shares the mansion with three ghosts (a cook, a butler, and a cat). But it just wouldn’t be a mystery if something didn’t go wrong. Right?

I laughed over the hijinks the ghosts reveled in pulling on the tour guests. But Sydney unknowingly sets into play a spell that will ruin their fun. In a nod to “Groundhog Day,” the opening day for the tours will day over and over, each time ending with a dead body in the house and Sydney being arrested for murder. How does Sydney now get out of this mess?

I am totally loving the ghosts. And it seems one could not find a better bestie than Scarlett’s new friend Frannie.

This is a quick read. This entire series of three books can easily be read over a relaxing weekend. I highly recommend this delightful series.

I received an advance copy of this book. All opinions expressed here are my own.
BettyTaylor56 | Sep 17, 2022 |
Another fun cozy for those who love mysteries, cats, and haunted houses. I absolutely loved it!

Thrown out by her cheating boyfriend, Sydney Coleman is desperate to find an affordable residence. She comes upon a listing for Moonlight Manor, and it seems to be too good to be true. Thinking it would be ideal for a B&B, she buys it and gets more than she expected – two human ghosts and Sir Bogart, a clever feline ghost. The death of their mistress decades ago was ruled a suicide, but Norman, Velma, and “Bogey” are certain she was murdered. They have remained in the house hoping someone will discover the truth of her death. Furthermore, they are opposed to her opening a B&B. They are insistent that she solve the case of the death of their mistress. Can the mystery be solved before Sydney loses the house she just bought?

The authors introduce the readers to some interesting and entertaining town residents whom I am sure we will get to know better in future books in this series.

A quick read. I was immediately drawn into the beautifully written story, especially by Bogey, and found it hard to put down until I reached the end. I am looking forward to future escapades with Sydney and her ghostly crew.

I received an advance copy of this book. All opinions expressed here are my own.
BettyTaylor56 | 1 autre critique | Sep 15, 2022 |
Poor, and poorly edited, with odd words and parts of words italicised. Gave up before finishing the first book in the set.
Kindleifier | Jul 29, 2022 |
I didn't realize this was an excerpt but I love what I've read so far. I can't wait for the rest of the novel to be available!
managedbybooks | 10 autres critiques | May 3, 2022 |
I enjoyed Love's Prayer and am looking forward to reading Love's Promise. Ben has some real obstacles to overcome. Summer made a good match for him. I liked that the characters had faith but weren't perfect or immune to problems. It gave the story a realistic feel.
Wulfwyn907 | 2 autres critiques | Jan 30, 2022 |
This is an amazing book. I finished it last night but have been unable to move on. I couldn’t begin the review until I thought about so many things that came at me while reading it. I still am not certain what to say. This book has layers.
I knew, after reading the first two pages, it would make me cry. I was ready for that. I got a box of Kleenex ready. I wasn’t ready for the push, pull of the book. The push to read on, wanting to know what was going to happen next, especially with Amy, Trent and Olivia. The pull to stop and absorb; to exam my feelings and connections.
Maybe it is because my mom has Alzheimer’s. Not the same as cancer but equally hurtful and devastating. There is two deaths in Alzheimer’s. Did you know that? The first death comes when your parent no longer knows you and you only get glimpses of who you knew was your mom, or dad. The second, the final one, the I’m still not acquainted with, the one I dread. My mom will be gone with no glimpses a possibility. I thought about how different it is from cancer yet the same. I thought of Amy and how closely I felt to her. How much I felt understood and validated by her internal emotional swings. I stopped quite a bit to examine her..and me. I wasn’t as close with my mom as Amy. My mom hurt me. I’ll never know why now. It’s locked up. I’ll never get the apology either that I wanted. Though, in reality, I wanted it with no real hope of getting it. I forgave because I needed to move on. I needed to cling to the belief that it wasn’t me, that I was so bad I didn’t deserve to be loved. But even so, I wanted to hear it from her. Now, even if she wanted to tell me it wasn’t me, she can’t. It’s never coming so I have to deal with that.
The book is a romance, a testament to friendships and, in an odd way, a coming of age. A different age from the usual teen into adult, but still, a coming of age. Amy, Bridget, Nichole and Hazel are all becoming someone different yet the same. All but one have gone from being a daughter into some new role. The memories are there. The love remains. But the arms are empty, the ears don’t hear and the only time you see them, is when you catch a glimpse in the mirror or, if you have them, in your children. You are still you but you have been changed. Death has left its mark just as walking the rocky road to adulthood does. So yes, a coming of age book.
Now, go, read the book.
*Thank you to the Kensington publishing family for gifting me this book. No review was requested or expected. It was a gift, unexpected yet delightful. I wrote this review because I was truly touched by this book. I recommend it because I believe you will be touched, too. All thoughts, opinions and ramblings came from my head and my heart.*
Wulfwyn907 | 10 autres critiques | Jan 30, 2022 |

A cozy mystery that I really wanted to enjoy because I love cats, but this cat was so spoiled and entitled, I just could NOT finish the book. I could only get to chapter 6 before I gave up.

I certainly will not be reading any more of this series while that spoiled cat is one of the main characters.
Robloz | 14 autres critiques | Sep 23, 2021 |
If you like cats, magic and intrigue you will enjoy this new book in a new series. The characters are wonderful and they learn a few good lessons along the way. A great start to a new series. I received a copy of this book from Whiskeredmysteries for a fair and honest review that I gave of my own free will.
Virginia51 | Jul 23, 2021 |
This is a sweet, funny, cozy paranormal mystery. I love that the cats are witches and the humans are the familiars. I recommend reading the first book in the series so you get to know the characters. This second book in the series is funny and a little frightful. Very enjoyable. I received a copy of this book from the author for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will.
Virginia51 | Apr 5, 2021 |
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