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Kayla M StoneCritiques

Auteur de Metamorphose

1 oeuvres 1 Membres 1 Critiques


Thank you NetGalley and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for the chance to read and review Metamorphose by Kayla Stone.

Metamorphose has an interesting concept. a butterfly moves through a place believing it's horrifically ugly and unworthy of attention or love, Its belief in it's own unworthiness leads it to join the flames to be beautiful for some time, but afterwards realises that the brief moment of beauty cost far more than it was worth when it loses its wings and the ability to follow the sun.

This is meant to be a commentary on beauty and how women are taught to chase it at the cost of their own sanity and selves even when they are, objectively speaking, beautiful. After all, who amongst us can look at a butterfly and think it's ugly; and yet this one was willing to set itself on fire. The butterfly's own internal voice seems incredibly masculine in its obsession with beauty, think Du Bois double consciousness, but with women looking at their bodies through the male gaze.

That being said, this is not going to be my favourite read. While the concept is an interesting one the language was a bit strange and I was a bit bored. I personally feel anyone using the word ochre has issues.½
bookstagramofmine | May 12, 2024 |