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H.S. StoneCritiques

Auteur de Beyond New Eden

10+ oeuvres 18 utilisateurs 6 critiques


4 Stars
Arc Book Review
Release Date-10/5/18

"Beneath The Earth" is a YA Novel that totally surprised me.
I was extremely interested in the overall premise here so decided to give this a stab.
Well, it managed to hold my attention no problem whatsoever and I read this in one continuous sitting.
This is not an incredibly complicated story but it really didn't need to be.
The onward momentum of the action here easily managed to drive this along in terms of retaining my focus and I was pleasantly entertained by this unexpected little YA gem.
The core of this novel centres on Laura and "Beneath The Earth" is narrated from her POV.
So, Laura and her classmates are on an annual senior camping trip to an isolated island.
There's been an earthquake in the immediate area but it doesn't seem to have affected the island's structures so the trip is still a go much to the delight of all the students.
It's not long though before the senior class and its teachers realise something is lurking beneath the surface ready to devour them whole.

So this was a YA Creature horror that definitely kept me in a state of constant angst.
This was fast-paced and frantic throughout and this is one that I really did enjoy.
I imagine this will appeal to both adults and adolescents alike it really did have something for everyone.
If you have ever watched the Cult classic film Tremors then this has a very similar concept but combined with the pressures and politics of the younger generation.

The only minor faults here for me were some of the characters portrayed in my opinion could have done with some slight fleshing out: this got away with it because the focus here was so bent on the commotion caused by the surrounding action and fear that it wasn't major obvious until you actually looked deeper.
Also, I thought the ending was a trifle pat in nature which to me came across a tad unrealistic overall.
All else was fabulous and you also have to remember that at its heart this is a YA novel and not one marketed essentially for a more adult audience: in that respect, this is age appropriate.
So that's it: this was a really great read that I am happy to give a thumbs up to.
Thank You to the Author for providing me with a review copy of "Beneath The Earth" of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
carpathian1974 | 2 autres critiques | Nov 7, 2019 |

4 Stars
Arc Book Review
Release Date-10/5/18

"Beneath The Earth" is a YA Novel that totally surprised me.
I was extremely interested in the overall premise here so decided to give this a stab.
Well, it managed to hold my attention no problem whatsoever and I read this in one continuous sitting.
This is not an incredibly complicated story but it really didn't need to be.
The onward momentum of the action here easily managed to drive this along in terms of retaining my focus and I was pleasantly entertained by this unexpected little YA gem.
The core of this novel centres on Laura and "Beneath The Earth" is narrated from her POV.
So, Laura and her classmates are on an annual senior camping trip to an isolated island.
There's been an earthquake in the immediate area but it doesn't seem to have affected the island's structures so the trip is still a go much to the delight of all the students.
It's not long though before the senior class and its teachers realise something is lurking beneath the surface ready to devour them whole.

So this was a YA Creature horror that definitely kept me in a state of constant angst.
This was fast-paced and frantic throughout and this is one that I really did enjoy.
I imagine this will appeal to both adults and adolescents alike it really did have something for everyone.
If you have ever watched the Cult classic film Tremors then this has a very similar concept but combined with the pressures and politics of the younger generation.

The only minor faults here for me were some of the characters portrayed in my opinion could have done with some slight fleshing out: this got away with it because the focus here was so bent on the commotion caused by the surrounding action and fear that it wasn't major obvious until you actually looked deeper.
Also, I thought the ending was a trifle pat in nature which to me came across a tad unrealistic overall.
All else was fabulous and you also have to remember that at its heart this is a YA novel and not one marketed essentially for a more adult audience: in that respect, this is age appropriate.
So that's it: this was a really great read that I am happy to give a thumbs up to.
Thank You to the Author for providing me with a review copy of "Beneath The Earth" of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
carpathian1974 | 2 autres critiques | Nov 7, 2019 |
I picked this out on a whim but I'm glad I did. It's one of those hidden gems and way better then what I was expecting.

It's about an overnight camping trip that turns disastrous for a group of senior high school students when one of their friends goes missing when he's literally pulled beneath the ground. And that's just the beginning of their trip from hell...

The story is geared for teens and young adults but the teen characters are not overly obnoxious like in some books I've read so it can be enjoyed by adults also. If you like survival stories or have a teenager that does I would definitely recommend checking it out.

EmpressReece | 2 autres critiques | Nov 8, 2018 |
This an interesting story about the idea if one found themselves downloaded into a computer, how would it feel? While there are many science fiction books covering this type of story line, it often does not cover the feeling of waking up. Or how their some of their perceptions have changed, while others remained constant. What are the advantages, real disadvantages, and dangers? Is she really in the computer? Or is it only a copy? Is she still a human or something else? As a reader these questions take some time to answer as the story unfolds.

The descriptions are well done without getting excessive. The pacing is also good and you find yourself flowing from page to page. The main characters are well defined, although I found myself wondering about a few others. While the air of mystery around them worked well, I would have added more details. The only complaint, if you could call it that, is it felt rather short. Of course this is aimed at YA, therefore short is more common. Short but good.

I would certainly give this to a young adult with an interest in science fiction, and especially computers. I think anyone (young adult or not) with such interests will find this an enjoyable read.
DonDeBon | Jan 7, 2018 |
I love dystopian fiction and this novel did NOT disappoint. What I found most interesting was the blend of themes that are woven together in this story line. The world of Beyond New Eden is post-apocalyptic, what is left after a war that devastated the entire world. At first the world inside the dome seems as close to utopian as possible. It is a peaceful, ordered society. Class systems do not exist in a society of clones, each person the same as the ones before and after them. But we soon discover that, as with most utopian worlds, there is much that is dystopian in nature.

Adam and Eve 142 are at the center of this books, two paired clones. A horrible tragedy causes them to be banished from the city for six months. During the six months that they are gone, they discover that the world outside is not as much of a wasteland as they were taught, even finding other humans that have survived, even flourished.

The characters are fantastic, the foils between those inside and outside New Eden fascinating. Those inside the dome are not devoid of emotions, but they are seemingly dampened, especially when compared to those in the outside settlements. It is through those other humans that Adam and Eve learn more about themselves and humanity itself. Their romance was very sweet and innocent as they discovered what it really meant to be human.

Things to love...

--The world of New Eden. It was perfectly created.
--The emotional growth of Adam and Eve.
--The secrets and twists.

Things I wanted more/less of...

--More explanation of the supplements.
--More explanation of why the lifespans are the way they are.

My Recommendation: I loved the twists and turns, the intrigue of the story line. The ending suggests that there is more to come and I hope that there will be! I gave it 4.5 mugs!

This review originally appeared on my blog:
Kiki870 | 1 autre critique | Jun 18, 2014 |
I came across this book when I had absolutely nothing to read - a kindle full of books, but not one that appealed to me at the time. When I read the synopsis on Amazon I downloaded it immediately, and I must say it was a really great read.

The plot is original which I appreciated as I love dystopian fiction, but it is getting to a point where every book I read seems to blend in with others I have read before, so this one was a welcome surprise.

Adam and Eve are clones, and live in a dystopian society in the enclosed city of New Eden. After a tragic accident Adam and Eve are banished from New Eden and sent out into the Wastelands, which is what is left of the world after war left the planet barren and unliveable.

This banishment was like a death sentence to Adam and Eve as no one had left the enclosure in over 160 years, and as far as everyone knew, the earth was still uninhabitable.

The story follows Adam and Eve's journey into the unknown, they get to see everything we take for granted for the first time. The blueness of the sky, the stars in the night sky or the green grass under their feet are things they have only read about or seen in old movies. It is an exciting time, but understandably, it is also a frightening time as they try and find water, food and shelter.

I really enjoyed this book, the only complaint I have is that it was not long enough. I would love to have followed their story as they set out to explore this new world and discover all the wonders it has to offer.

This book is very well written which was a pleasure to read – I loved it.
Rosemary_Montgomery | 1 autre critique | Aug 8, 2013 |