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Indeholder "Preface", "1. Classical Cryptography", " 1.1 Introduction: Some Simple Cryptosystems", " 1.1.1 The Shift Cipher", " 1.1.2 The Substitution Cipher", " 1.1.3 The Affine Cipher", " 1.1.4 The Vigenere Cipher", " 1.1.5 The Hill Cipher", " 1.1.6 The Permutation Cipher", " 1.1.7 Stream Ciphers", " 1.2 Cryptanalysis", " 1.2.1 Cryptanalysis of the Affine Cipher", " 1.2.2 Cryptanalysis of the Substitution Cipher", " 1.2.3 Cryptanalysis of the Vigenère Cipher", " 1.2.4 Cryptanalysis of the Hill Cipher", " 1.2.5 Cryptanalysis of the LFSR Stream Cipher", " 1.3 Notes", " Exercises", "2. Shannon's Theory", " 2.1 Introduction", " 2.2 Elementary Probability Theory", " 2.3 Perfect Secrecy", " 2.4 Entropy", " 2.4.1 Huffman Encodings", " 2.5 Properties of Entropy", " 2.6 Spurious Keys and Unicity Distance", " 2.7 Product Cryptosystems", " 2.8 Notes", " Exercises", "3. Block Ciphers and the Advanced Encryption Standard", " 3.1 Introduction", " 3.2 Substitution-Permutation Networks", " 3.3 Linear Cryptanalysis", " 3.3.1 The Piling-up Lemma", " 3.3.2 Linear Approximations of S-boxes", " 3.3.3 A Linear Attack on an SPN", " 3.4 Differential Cryptanalysis", " 3.5 The Data Encryption Standard", " 3.5.1 Description of DES", " 3.5.2 Analysis of DES", " 3.6 The Advanced Encryption Standard", " 3.6.1 Description of AES", " 3.6.2 Analysis of AES", " 3.7 Modes of Operation", " 3.8 Notes and References", " Exercises", "4. Cryptographic Hash Functions", " 4.1 Hash Functions and Data Integrity", " 4.2 Security of Hash Functions", " 4.2.1 The Random Oracle Model", " 4.2.2 Algorithms in the Random Oracle Model", " 4.2.3 Comparison of Security Criteria", " 4.3 Iterated Hash Functions", " 4.3.1 The Merkle-Damgård Construction", " 4.3.2 The Secure Hash Algorithm", " 4.4 Message Authentication Codes", " 4.4.1 Nested MACs and HMAC", " 4.4.2 CBC-MAC", " 4.5 Unconditionally Secure MACs", " 4.5.1 Strongly Universal Hash Families", " 4.5.2 Optimality of Deception Probabilities", " 4.6 Notes and References", " Exercises", "5. The RSA Cryptosystem and Factoring Integers", " 5.1 Introduction to Public-key Cryptography", " 5.2 More Number Theory", " 5.2.1 The Euclidean Algorithm", " 5.2.2 The Chinese Remainder Theorem", " 5.2.3 Other Useful Facts", " 5.3 The RSA Cryptosystem", " 5.3.1 Implementing RSA", " 5.4 Primality Testing", " 5.5 Square Roots Modulo n", " 5.6 Factoring Algorithms", " 5.6.1 The Pollard p-1 Method", " 5.6.2 The Pollard Rho Algorithm", " 5.6.3 Dixon's Random Squares Algorithm", " 5.6.4 Factoring Algorithms in Practice", " 5.7 Other Attacks on RSA", " 5.7.1 Computing φ(n)", " 5.7.2 The Decrypting Exponen", " 5.7.3 Wiener's Low Decryption Exponent Attack", " 5.8 The Rabin Cryptosystem", " 5.8.1 Security of the Rabin Cryptosystem", " 5.9 Semantic Security of RSA", " 5.9.1 Partial Information Concerning Plaintext Bits", " 5.9.2 Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding", " 5.10 Notes and References", " Exercises", "6. Public-key Cryptosystems Based on the Discrete Logarithm Problem", " 6.1 The ElGamal Cryptosystem", " 6.2 Algorithms for the Discrete Logarithm Problem", " 6.2.1 Shank's Algorithm", " 6.2.2 The Pollard Rho Discrete Logarithm Algorithm", " 6.2.3 The Pohlig-Hellman Algorithm", " 6.2.4 The Index Calculus Method", " 6.3 Lower Bounds on the Complexity of Generic Algorithms", " 6.4 Finite Fields", " 6.5 Elliptic Curves", " 6.5.1 Elliptic Curves over the Reals", " 6.5.2 Elliptic Curves Modulo a Prime", " 6.5.3 Properties of Elliptic Curves", " 6.5.4 Point Compression and the ECIES", " 6.5.5 Computing Point Multiples on Elliptic Curves", " 6.6 Discrete Logarithm Algorithms in Practice", " 6.7 Security of ElGamal Systems", " 6.7.1 Bit Security of Discrete Logarithms", " 6.7.2 Semantic Security of ElGamal Systems", " 6.7.3 The Diffie-Hellman Problems", " 6.8 Notes and References", " Exercises", "7. Signature Schemes", " 7.1 Introduction", " 7.2 Security Requirements for Signature Schemes", " 7.2.1 Signatures and Hash Functions", " 7.3 The ElGamal Signature Scheme", " 7.3.1 Security of the ElGamal Signature Scheme", " 7.4 Variants of the ElGamal Signature Scheme", " 7.4.1 The Schnorr Signature Scheme", " 7.4.2 The Digital Signature Algorithm", " 7.4.3 The Elliptic Curve DSA", " 7.5 Provably Secure Signature Schemes", " 7.5.1 One-time Signatures", " 7.5.2 Full Domain Hash", " 7.6 Undeniable Signatures", " 7.7 Fail-stop Signatures", " 7.8 Notes and References", " Exercises", "Further Reading", "Bibliography", "Cryptosystem Index", "Algorithm Index", "Problem Index", "Subject Index".

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bnielsen | 2 autres critiques | Nov 22, 2015 |
Indeholder "Preface", "1. Classical Cryptography", " 1.1 Introduction: Some Simple Cryptosystems", " 1.1.1 The Shift Cipher", " 1.1.2 The Substitution Cipher", " 1.1.3 The Affine Cipher", " 1.1.4 The Vigenere Cipher", " 1.1.5 The Hill Cipher", " 1.1.6 The Permutation Cipher", " 1.1.7 Stream Ciphers", " 1.2 Cryptanalysis", " 1.2.1 Cryptanalysis of the Affine Cipher", " 1.2.2 Cryptanalysis of the Substitution Cipher", " 1.2.3 Cryptanalysis of the Vigenere Cipher", " 1.2.4 A Known Plaintext Attack on the Hill Cipher", " 1.2.5 Cryptanalysis of the LFSR-based Stream Cipher", " 1.3 Notes", " Exercises", "2. Shannon's Theory", " 2.1 Perfect Secrecy", " 2.2 Entropy", " 2.2.1 Huffman Encodings and Entropy", " 2.3 Properties of Entropy", " 2.4 Spurious Keys and Unicity Distance", " 2.5 Product Cryptosystems", " 2.6 Notes", " Exercises", "3. The Data Encryption Standard", " 3.1 Introduction", " 3.2 Description of DES", " 3.2.1 An Example of DES Encryption", " 3.3 The DES Controversy", " 3.4 DES in Practice", " 3.4.1 DES Modes of Operation", " 3.5 A Time-memory Trade-off", " 3.6 Differential Cryptanalysis", " 3.6.1 An Attack on a 3-round DES", " 3.6.2 An Attack on a 6-round DES", " 3.6.3 Other examples of Differential Cryptanalysis", " 3.7 Notes", " Exercises", "4. The RSA System and Factoring", " 4.1 Introduction to Public-key Cryptography", " 4.2 More Number Theory", " 4.2.1 The Euclidean Algorithm", " 4.2.2 The Chinese Remainder Theorem", " 4.2.3 Other Useful Facts", " 4.3 The RSA Cryptosystem", " 4.4 Implementing RSA", " 4.5 Probabilistic Primality Testing", " 4.6 Attacks On RSA", " 4.6.1 The Decryption Exponent", " 4.6.2 Partial Information Concerning Plaintext Bits", " 4.7 The Rabin Cryptosystem", " 4.8 Factoring Algorithms", " 4.8.1 The p-1 Method", " 4.8.1 Dixon's Algorithm and the Quadratic Sieve", " 4.8.1 Factoring Algorithms in Practice", " 4.9 Notes", " Exercises", "5. Other Public-key Cryptosystems", " 5.1 The ElGamal Cryptosystem and Discrete Logs", " 5.1.1 Algorithms for the Discrete Log Problem", " 5.1.2 Bit Security of Discrete Logs", " 5.2 Finite Field and Elliptic Curve Systems", " 5.2.1 Galois Fields", " 5.2.2 Elliptic Curves", " 5.3 The Merkle-Hellman Knapsack System", " 5.4 The McEliece System", " 5.5 Notes", " Exercises", "6. Signature Schemes", " 6.1 Introduction", " 6.2 The ElGamal Signature Scheme", " 6.3 The Digital Signature Standard", " 6.4 One-time Signatures", " 6.5 Undeniable Signatures", " 6.6 Fail-stop Signatures", " 6.7 Notes and References", " Exercises", "7. Hash Functions", " 7.1 Signatures and Hash Functions", " 7.2 Collision-free Hash Functions", " 7.3 The Birthday Attack", " 7.4 A Discrete Log Hash Function", " 7.5 Extending Hash Functions", " 7.6 Hash Functions From Cryptosystems", " 7.7 The MD4 Hash Function", " 7.8 Timestamping", " 7.9 Notes and References", " Exercises", "8. Key Distribution and Key Agreement", " 8.1 Introduction", " 8.2 Key Predistribution", " 8.2.1 Blom's Scheme", " 8.2.2 Diffie-Hellman Key Predistribution", " 8.3 Kerboros", " 8.4 Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange", " 8.4.1 The Station-to-station Protocol", " 8.4.2 MTI Key Agreement Protocols", " 8.4.3 Key Agreement Using Self-certifying Keys", " 8.5 Notes and References", " Exercises", "9. Identification Schemes", " 9.1 Introduction", " 9.2 The Schnorr Identification Scheme", " 9.3 The Okamoto Identification Scheme", " 9.4 The Guillou-Quisquater Identification Scheme", " 9.4.1 Identity-based Identification Schemes", " 9.5 Converting Identification to Signature Schemes", " 9.6 Notes and References", " Exercises", "10. Authentication Codes", " 10.1 Introduction", " 10.2 Computing Deception Probabilities", " 10.3 Combinatorial Bounds", " 10.3.1 Orthogonal Arrays", " 10.3.2 Constructions and Bounds for OAs", " 10.3.3 Characterizations of Authentication Codes", " 10.4 Entropy Bounds", " 10.5 Notes and References", " Exercises", "11. Secret Sharing Schemes", " 11.1 Introduction: The Shamir Threshold Scheme", " 11.2 Access Structures and General Secret Sharing", " 11.3 The Monotone Circuit Construction", " 11.4 Formal Definitions", " 11.5 Information Rate", " 11.6 The Brickell Vector Space Construction", " 11.7 An Upper Bound on the Information Rate", " 11.8 The Decomposition Construction", " 11.9 Notes and References", " Exercises", "12. Pseudo-random Number Generation", " 12.1 Introduction and Examples", " 12.2 Indistinguishable Probability Distributions", " 12.2.1 Next Bit Predictors", " 12.3 The Blum-Blum-Shub Generator", " 12.3.1 Security of the BBS Generator", " 12.4 Probabilistic Encryption", " 12.5 Notes and References", " Exercises", "13. Zero-knowledge Proofs", " 13.1 Interactive Proof Systems", " 13.2 Perfect Zero-knowledge Proofs", " 13.3 Bit Commitments", " 13.4 Computational Zero-knowledge Proofs", " 13.5 Zero-knowledge Arguments", " 13.6 Notes and References", " Exercises", "Further Reading", "Bibliography", "Index".

En af de tidlige udgaver af Stinsons bog. Den er udmærket, men overhalet af nyere versioner. Side 136 har en tabel over Solovay-Strassen testen og hvad sandsynligheden er for falsk positive svar. Den er ikke 2^-n efter n tests, men 175/(175+2^(n+1)). Men det går stadigvæk næsten eksponentielt hurtigt.
bnielsen | 2 autres critiques | Nov 22, 2015 |
I don't like this book. I find it too technical and more generally written in a really bad way. Moreover the typesetting is awful and the fonts in the formulas doesn't use the antialiasing, which of course make the book a pain even from an esthetic standpoint.
nicodemo | 2 autres critiques | Jul 11, 2009 |