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John A. Spanogle

Auteur de Global Issues in Contract Law

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A propos de l'auteur

John A. Spanogle is Professor of Law at George Washington University. 050

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Œuvres de John A. Spanogle

Oeuvres associées

International business transactions in a nutshell (1988) — Auteur, quelques éditions38 exemplaires


Avoidance of the Contract in Case of Non-Conforming Goods (Article 49(1)(a) CISG). Schwenzer. Journal of Law and Commerce. 2005 (1) Avoidance Under the CISG and Its Challenges Under International Organizations Commercial Transactions. Saiegh. Journal of Law and Commerce. 2005 (1) Buyers Enabling Steps to Pay the Price: Article 54 of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. Osuna-González. Journal of Law and Commerce. 2005 (1) Consequential Damages in Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and the Legacy of Hadley. Murphey. George Washington Journal of International Law and Economics. 1989 (1) Damages: The Need for Uniformity. Saidov. Journal of Law and Commerce. 2005 (1) Declaration of Price Reduction Under the CISG Article 50 Price Reduction Remedy. Shin. Journal of Law and Commerce. 2005 (1) Declaring the Contract Avoided: The U.N. Sales Convention in the Chinese Context. Shen. New York Intenational Law Review. 1997 (1) Droit (2) Effects of Avoidance: Perspectives from the CISG; UNIDROIT Principles; and PECL and Case Law. Liu. Nordic Journal of Commercial Law. 2005 (1) Favor Emptoris: Does the CISG Favor the Buyer?. Visser. UMKC Law Review. 1998 (1) French and American Approaches to Contract Formation and Enforceability: A Comparative Perspective. Philippe. Tulsa Journal of Comparative and International Law. 2005 (1) Good Faith and Fault in Contract Law. Beatson and Friedmann (1) How Does the Cookie Crumble? Legal Costs Under a Uniform Interpretation of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. Keily. Nordic Journal of Commercial Law. 2003 (1) Interest on Damages and Rate of Interest Under Article 78 of the U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. Thiele. Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration. 1998 (1) International Sales: The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. Galston and Smit (1) Measuring Damages Under the CISG. Schneider. Pace International Law Review. 1997 (1) Measuring Damages Under the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods. Sutton. Ohio State Law Journal. 1989 (1) Methods of Limiting Damages Under the Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. Saidov. Pace International Law Review. 2002 (1) Minding the Gap: Determining Interest Rates Under the U.N. Convention for the International Sale of Goods. Kizer. University of Chicago Law Review. 1998 (1) Nachfrist Notice and Avoidance Under the CISG. Kimbel. Journal of Law and Commerce. 1999 (1) On Legal Uncertainty Regarding Timely Notification of Avoidance of the Sales Contract. Korpinen. Nordic Journal of Commercial Law. 2005 (1) Penalty Clauses in England and France: A Comparative Study. Miller. International and Comparative Law Quarterly. 2004 (1) Recent Developments: Nonconforming Goods Under the CISG: What's a Buyer to Do?. Kennedy. Dickinson Journal of International Law. 1998 (1) Reduction in Damages According to Article 77 CISG. Koziol. Journal of Law and Commerce. 2005 (1) Remarks on Good Faith: The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law; Principles of International Commercial Contracts. Magnus. Pace International Law Revi (1) Remarks on the Manner in Which the UNIDROIT Principles May Be Used to Interpret or Supplement Article 76 of the CISG. Zeller. Nordic Journal of Commercial Law. 2003 (1) Shen. Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law. 1996 (1) Substantive and Jurisdictional Aspects of International Contract Remedies: A Comment on Avery Katz's "Remedies for Breach of Contract Under the CISG". Torsello. International Review of Law and Economics. 2005 (1) Termination of International Commercial Contracts for Breach of Contract: The Provisions of the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts. Vuuren. Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law. 1998 (1) The Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and the Uniform Commercial Code Remedies in Light of Remedial Principles Recognized Under U.S. Law: Are the Remedies of Granting Additional Time to Defaulting Parties and of Reduction of Pric (1) The Efficiency of Specific Performance: Toward a Unified Theory of Contract Remedies. Ulen. Michigan Law Review. 1984 (1) The New Uniform Law for International Sales and the U.C.C.: A Comparison. Honnold. International Lawyer. 1984 (1) The Passing of Risk: A Comparison Between the Passing of Risk Under the CISG and German Law. Romein (1) The Recovery of Lost Profits Under Article 74 of the U. N. Convention on the International Sale of Goods. Schwartz. Nordic Journal of Commercial Law. 2006 (1) The Remedies of Specific Performance; Price Reduction; and Additional Time (Nachfrist) Under the CISG: Are These Worthwhile Changes or Additions to English Sales Law?. Piliounis. Pace International Law Review. 2000 (1) The Remedy of Avoidance of Contract Under CISG: General Remarks and Special Cases. Magnus. Journal of Law and Commerce. 2005 (1) The Remedy of Requiring Performance Under the CISG and the Relevance of Domestic Rules (1) The Time Limits of Article 39 CISG. Girsberger. Journal of Law and Commerce. 2005 (1) To What Extent Do INCOTERMS 2000 Vary Articles 67(2); 68; and 69?. Ramberg. Journal of Law and Commerce. 2005 (1) Withholding Performance for Breach in International Transactions: An Exercise in Equations; Proportions; or Coercion?. Nyer. Pace International Law Review. 2006 (1)

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