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11 oeuvres 130 utilisateurs 1 Critiques


*Full disclosure: I just bought the book. I have skimmed through it, but I haven't read it.*

The author presents his cases via contrast: building up why he chose his four key questions while presenting what he would have answered those questions with when he was a Christian. Scattered throughout the middle, but primarily in Chapter 5, he presents what he believes is the one answer that answers all four questions.

Many of the answers he says he would have given as a Christian I would have given at one time, too, so I do believe he is fairly familiar with modern day American Christianity.

However, I'd like to ask him a question: under your question "why didn't Jesus say anything about germs?", why did you leave out the quarantine procedures for infectious diseases found in the Bible?
tcwLT | Sep 17, 2023 |