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In his bestselling book, Chakra Therapy, Keith Sherwood taught readers how to increase their energy and well-being by unblocking and balancing their energy systems. Now he takes the energetic healing process even furher, with new topics and new techniques that he has tested and refined over the past ten years.

Chakra Healing and Karmic Awareness presents a step-by-step program for energy health and spiritual growth. Written for people who have some familiarity with energy work principles, this guide explains karmic attachments and how to remove them, how to activate the higher and lower chakras to stengthen your aura,and how to work with kundalini energy. It even explores the influence of nonphysical beings that get trapped in the human energy field and tells how to safely release them. With the help of this book, you can:

Discover how your energy system works, and its effect on your health, intimate relationships, and spiritual development.

Find out how karma is created and the ways in which it can disrupt your energy bodies and boundaries.

Learn how to identify and remove dense, polarized, karmic energy from your system and reclaim joy and pleasure.

Create and maintain physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

Keith sherwood (New York), foundeer of Inner Awareness Magazine, travels world-wide conducting lectures and seminars. He has appeared on many radio and television shows, and contributes to several U.S. and international publications, such as Psychology Today, The New Times, and Odyssey magazine. He is also the author of Chakra Therapy and The Art of Spiritual Healing.


Part One Knowing yourself
Chapter One
Introduction: What is karma?What is karmic baggage?
Effects of karmic baggage
Karmic baggage on the spiritual level
Karmic baggage on the mental level
Karmic baggage on the emotional level
Karmic baggage on the etheric level
Karmic baggage on the physical-material level
Karma and culture
Who do you liove?
What you will learn
Chapter Two
Getting to know your self
The functional nature of the self
The self is you...sort of
Consciousness in the natural world
Individual human consciousness
The bodies of desire
The functions of mind
The aspects of mind
Chapter Three
Let's talk a little about energy
The tattvas
The structure and function of unqualified energy
The three forms of unqualified energy
Prana and the breath
The yogic breath
The aprana
The chakras
Stimulating the seven traditional chakras
The kundalini-shakti
Sensing unqualified energy
Shifting your orientation
Reorienting yourself
Centering in the back of the heart chakra
Chapter Four
Stengthening your boundaries
Surface of personal body space
Apranic boundary
The surface of the auric fields
The auric fields
The structure of the auric field
Function of the auric fields
What weakens the surface of the auras
Strengthening the boundries
The commitments
Chapter Five
Interpenetrating worlds
The world of spirit
The world of intellect
The world of soul
The world of the lower mind
The world of the chakras
Worlds of exercises
Splitting your attention and activating the front of the heart chakra
Looking inward in the world of spirit
Looking inward in the world of intellect
Looking inward on all worlds simultaneously
Activating the seven traditional chakras
Spirit-looking inward on seven dimensions
Intellect-looking inward on seven dimensions
Soul-looking inward on seven dimensions
Lower mind-looking inward on seven dimensions
Looking inward on all worlds simultaneously
Part Two Protecting yourself
Chapter Six
The collective field of maya
Subfields in the field of maya
The three gunas
Tamasic energy
Ragistic energy
Sattvic energiy
Subfields in the external environment
Subfields in the internal environment
Integrateed or independent subfields
Function of qualilfied energy
The principle of universal mind
The principle of correspondence
The principle of vibration
The principle of polarity
The principle of rhythm
The principle of cause and effect
The principle of gender
Chapter Seven
The kali yuga
Karma is your roadmap
The mental attention
The intent
Combining the intent with the mental attention
Exercises 1-5
The second attention with emphasis
Shifting emphasis
Exercises 1-3
The power of prana
Combininng the mental attention with prana
Moving the mental attention
Creating a scanning tool
Scanning in the world of spirit
Scanning the auric field
Scanning for qualified subfields
Chapter Eight
Conscious energy concentrations
CES's and subtle forms of life
Structure and function of CIC's
Complex subfields
So what's normal...anyway?
Power of CEC's
Chapter Nine
Complex subfields
Controlling waves
Bumpy strings
Vasanas along with samskaras
Scanning for bumpy strings
Scanning for masanas
Scanning for samskaras
Chapter ten
Individual mind and ego
If it's not real, what is it?
Development of the individual mind
Structure of the individual mind
The ego
Structure of the ego
Function of the ego
Scanning the ego
Part Three Expanding yourself
Chapter Eleven
Structure of the human energy system
The chakras
Collective functions of the chakras
The chakras within personal body space
The muladhara chakra
The svadhistana chakra
The manipura chakra
The anahata chakra
The visuddha chakra
The ajna chakra
The sahasrara chakra
The splenic chakras
Activating the splenic chakras
Companion chakras
The first pair
The second pair
The third pair
First and seventh chakras and minor energy centers
First pair meditation
Second pair meditation
Third pair meditation
Chapter Twelve
Meridians and minor energy centers
Structure of the meridians
Function of the meridians
The ruling meridians
Yin yu and yang yu meditations
The chao yang-chao yin meditaton
Minor energy centers
Pressure meditation
Chapter Thirteen
Structure and function of chakras outside body space
Structure and function of the higher and lower chakras
Chakras eight through thirteen
Moving beyond the seventh chakra
Connecting will, love, and pleasure
Activationg the eighth through thirteenth chakras
Activating the lower chakras
Activating the first three chakras below body space
Activating the first seven chakras below personal body space
Part Four Overcoming the non-self
Chapter Fourteen
The amazing aprana
Structure and fucntion of teh aprana
Activating the aprana
Activationg the aprana on the first seven dimensions
Selectively activating the aprana
Releasing karmic energy
Chapter Fifteen
Releasing personas
Projected personas
Dominant and subordinate personas
Releasing personas
The seven-step process
Becominig a persona
Finding a persona to release
Releasing a persona
Chapter Sixteen
Energy bodies and correspoinding vehicles
Energy bodies
Bodies of desrie
Wrold of the chakras
Functions and aspects of mind
Splenic bodies
The function of energy bodies and energetic vehicles
The spirit
The intellect
The soul
Bodies of desire
Splenic bodies
Chakra bodies
Functions and aspects of mind
Disruption of the energy bodies and corresponding wehicles
Chapter Seventeen
The ejection and collection of energy bodies
Preparation for the recollection of an energy body
What are intrusions?
Symptoms of intrusions
Structure and behavior of ntrusions
Scanning for intrusions
Removing intrusions
Isolating intrusions
Recollecting, cleansing and reintegrating energy bodies
Recollecting energy bodies and energetic vehicles
Cleansing energy bodies and energetic vehicles
Reintegrating your energy bodies and energetic vehicles
Chapter Eighteen
Giving up the I idea
It's your choice
From friendship to union
AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |
'Chakra Therapy is a leading New Age work recognizing that as the 'center of gravity of our consciousness' now shifts from the physical to the non-physical 'energy bodies,' we need a new perception , understanding, and technology to work with our consciousness and its energy-systems leading to what Keith Sherwood calls self-remembering, self-recollection, and self-integrating. Sherwood also provides us with illuminating and useful information of how he developed this approach-which adds much to our proper grasp and use of the philosphy and techniques he proposes. Chakra Therapy is a must for the serious student and the practitioner of inner world technologies. We are thus very grateful to him and to Llewellyn for making this timely work available.'-Peter Roche de Coppens, Ph. D. The Invisible Temple

'A gentle beginner's guide to combining psychology and metaphysics.'-Anodea Judith Wheels of Life

'I particularly like the meditations associated with each of the chakras. There are certain universal truths which are expressed in the symbolic meanings of the seven energy centers. This book offers a useful manual for personal growth.'-C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Shealy Institute for Comprehensive Pain & Health Care


Chapter I The psychology of the human energy system
Chapter II Developing the second attention
Chapter III Original separation
Chapter IV The root of your problem
Chapter V Climbing the mountain
Chapter VI Fear and prana
Chapter VII Blooming again
Chapter VIII To thine own 'Self' be true
Chapter IX Becoming fearless
Chapter X The physical body
Chapter XI You and your subtle bodies
Chapter XII The chakras and chakra meditation
Chapter XIII Chakra therapy
Chapter XIV Prana and chakra cleansing
Chapter XV Nadis and the breath of life
Chapter XVI Getting into balance with hara
Chapter XVII Gender is in everything
AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |