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Linda Seed

Auteur de Moonstone Beach

18 oeuvres 198 utilisateurs 6 critiques


Œuvres de Linda Seed

Moonstone Beach (2015) 63 exemplaires, 3 critiques
A Long, Cool Rain (2017) 27 exemplaires, 2 critiques
The Icing on the Cake (2020) 18 exemplaires
Christmas in Cambria (2020) 10 exemplaires
Fire and Glass (2016) 9 exemplaires
Loving the Storm (2018) 8 exemplaires
Then, Now, and Always (2021) 8 exemplaires
Fixer-Upper (Russo Sisters) (2019) 8 exemplaires
Nearly Wild (2016) 7 exemplaires
Like That Endless Cambria Sky (2016) 5 exemplaires
The Promise of Lightning (2017) 2 exemplaires, 1 critique


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Downloaded free for my Kindle some years ago, read while travelling.

The story itself is quite interesting, featuring a very wealthy ranching family in California. When one of them dies, his will reveals something shocking. Colin, one of the family who is a lawyer, goes to find a young man who doesn't want to be found, and gets unwillingly involved with his sister.

I liked the sister, Julia, and a couple of the minor characters who are also women. But Colin himself is rather annoying, and other male characters are either unpleasant or two-dimensional. The writing is somewhat long-winded, too, with a lot of internal dialogue. And the outcome, romantically speaking, is predictable and inevitable almost from the start.

I would have rated it a bit higher, but in the second half of the book there are two long drawn-out scenes of detailed intimacy - I skipped ahead when I realised what was happening, and had to page through quite a way each time. It's unnecessary, in my view, particularly when one of the people concerned has started to feel like a friend, and adds nothing to the story.

So I wouldn't recommend it at all. But it's quite popular, and the first of a series - it's also still free in Kindle form. So don't necessarily take my word for it.

Longer review here:
… (plus d'informations)
SueinCyprus | 1 autre critique | Aug 9, 2024 |
I liked this book, and cheered when Kate got a backbone and quit letting people walk over her. I was glad that Jackson FINALLY went after her and quit his hound dog ways. I was disappointed at the ending, and sure to revisit book two to see what Gen is up to and see if she will find love.
HOTCHA | 2 autres critiques | May 3, 2022 |
I loved this book! The language was uplifting and fun, and the content an utter delight to read. A good romance novel with a sense of humour and lots of feel-good-ness.
AnnPratley | 2 autres critiques | Oct 26, 2020 |

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½ 3.7

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