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Lisa Ann Scott

Auteur de Too Many Cats!

20 oeuvres 866 utilisateurs 12 critiques

A propos de l'auteur

Comprend les noms: Scott Ann, Lisa


Œuvres de Lisa Ann Scott

Too Many Cats! (2018) 193 exemplaires, 1 critique
Lana Swims North (2019) 141 exemplaires, 1 critique
Nixie Makes Waves (2019) 85 exemplaires, 1 critique
All That Glitters (2017) 85 exemplaires
Fairies Forever (2018) 48 exemplaires
The Treasure Trap (2018) 46 exemplaires
Cascadia Saves the Day (2019) 46 exemplaires, 1 critique
School of Charm (2014) 42 exemplaires, 3 critiques
Cali Plays Fair (2019) 36 exemplaires, 1 critique
Perfectly Popular (2018) 35 exemplaires
Wings That Shine (2017) 27 exemplaires
Let It Glow (2017) 27 exemplaires
The Story of You (2021) 20 exemplaires, 2 critiques
Dreams That Sparkle (2017) 19 exemplaires
Goodnight Lagoon (2019) 6 exemplaires, 1 critique
Back on the Map (2017) 4 exemplaires, 1 critique
Narwhal's True Christmas Wish (2020) 2 exemplaires
Sirens Al Rescate 1 exemplaire
Cali joue le jeu (2020) 1 exemplaire


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{My thoughts} – Cascadia had big plans for the Sand Sculpture Festival this year. However, once a huge whirlpool had ripped through Astoria some of those plans were forced to change.

All of the members of the Royal Mermaid Rescue Crew had to be assigned jobs to clean up the town. There wasn’t anyone left to help fix the Festival. Cascadia and her sister decide to take on that quest on their own. Although as they are working on things they learn that they have some friends in some extremely unlikely places.

I recommend this book for any child that enjoys reading about mermaids and seaponys. It’s a bonus if they enjoy reading about princesses as well. This book is brilliantly written. It is a great book to show children that although they have plans that can sometimes be changed, that in the end things can and will have the ability to work out. It just may not always end up being the way in which one would originally expect.
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Zapkode | Jun 1, 2024 |
{My thoughts} – Princess Lana is struggling with accepting herself for who she is. She questions and second guesses herself on a regular basis when it comes to speaking out. She doesn’t like to rush into things, instead she’d rather pause and figure out the correct solution to things first. She seems to be having problems making sense of everything happening around her. Everything that seems to come so easy to those around her, doesn’t come so easy for her.

Princess Lana meets another animal that is struggling with accepting who they are as well. The two of them quickly bond and Princess Lana decides it is her duty to help him. She makes some choices that are in the best interest of helping her new friend and in the process finds a way to find her own voice. This was the one thing that she’d been struggling with so much and now, she is finding ways to make it known.

I recommend this book for I recommend this book for any child that enjoys reading about mermaids and seaponys. It’s a bonus if they enjoy reading about princesses as well, since Nixie is a mermaid princess. This book also has the potential to help show children that even though they are different or do things differently that it’s okay. It shows them that they don’t always have to be just like everyone else, and that everyone else may have different ways of doing things. The differences between everyone is what makes them so great!
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Zapkode | Jun 1, 2024 |
{My thoughts} – This is a fun new mermaid book for young children. Nixie is a about to be able to join the Royal Mermaid Rescue Crew like all the others in her class. In order to join the Royal Mermaid Rescue Crew she has got to choose a seapony that she’d like to have as her partner at the upcoming ceremony.

Nixie isn’t sure who she wants for her seapony. What she does know is who she is sure she doesn’t want as her partner. When the ceremony takes place she ends up being the last to choose, and with the seapony that she didn’t want to be partnered with. She tries to be the better persona and tries to make the best out of it, but Rip makes it really hard for her.

I really liked this book. It was a fast read and it helps to show children that it is possible to find friendship and some of the most unlikely individuals. It also shows children that it is a good idea to try and get to know someone before completely making your mind up about them, because in the end they might just surprise you!

I recommend this book for any child that enjoys reading about mermaids and seaponys. It’s a bonus if they enjoy reading about princesses as well, since Nixie is a mermaid princess.
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Zapkode | Jun 1, 2024 |
{My thoughts} – Princess Cali and her twin brother Cruise are always competing. They are always trying to figure out which of them is best at everything. This is a book that any child with a sibling can relate to. I use to compare myself to my older brothers all the time growing up. We didn’t compete against each other, but I’d always felt like they were much better at most things then I was.

Cali decides that she wants to try and create a name for herself. She wants to be more then just her brothers twin. She wants people to think of her separate from her brother instead of always thinking of her and her brother at the same time.

There is going to be a big competition at the Royal Mermaid Rescue Crew School and Cali wants to come in first. She fears the worst, that he brother is going to better then she will. Because she fears that she doesn’t make a good choice and her seapony partner tries to advice her to make the right choice. Sometimes it isn’t always easy to make the right choice, but once you realize how much better you feel after, it becomes worth it in the end.

I recommend this book for any child that enjoys reading about mermaids and seaponys. It’s a bonus if they enjoy reading about princesses as well, since Nixie is a mermaid princess. Competitions and good choices are what this book is about. It is also about finding yourself even though your mostly lost in a shared identity with your sibling. I think that any child can easily relate to the contents of this book. I know how often of a struggle it is on most days to make good choices that you can stand behind. I also know how hard it is to live in the shadow of your sibling. This book can help children to better handle both situations should they arise in the future.
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Zapkode | Jun 1, 2024 |

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