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Peter Salway

Auteur de Roman Britain

7+ oeuvres 891 utilisateurs 5 critiques

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Crédit image: Chedworth Excavations

Œuvres de Peter Salway

Oeuvres associées

Epistula III (2012) — Contributeur — 1 exemplaire, 1 critique


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Blackwells 2nd edition $10.67 - a dollar less than Powells
Overgaard | 3 autres critiques | Jul 22, 2023 |
I didn’t find this short account of Roman Britain as interesting as expected. This is partly owing to the lack of solid information available, partly through the absence of any famous personages - not counting well-known Romans - of the times, but mainly because I didn’t take to the writing style.

Regarding my first point, I realise that much of Britain’s early history lies in obscurity, thus the information covered in this account is bound to be scanty. With little written documentation from the fifth century and earlier, historians rely heavily on archaeological finds to help build pictures of these bygone times.

Regarding the absence of any famous personages, we do have Boudicca, but she’s pretty much glanced over here. It’s unfortunate that such a lack of written records prevents us knowing more about specific Britons during the first five centuries AD, as even in non-fiction a hero and heroine makes the narrative more engaging.

As for the writing style, I found it lacking vibrancy. It didn’t draw me in. Many sentences were long-winded, bogged-down with commas, semi-colons, colons, dashes, and brackets. Take this 43-word sentence for an example:

>Other trades, working in more perishable materials, perhaps operated in similar fashion—for example fresco-painters (of whose work just enough survives to demonstrate its importance and the quality it could reach); furniture-makers; and other suppliers of major items for the well-to-do household.
… (plus d'informations)
PhilSyphe | 3 autres critiques | Jul 7, 2016 |
A good if long and dare I say it exhausting book to read. Good to read if you like history and are interested in the time period, which I am, but after finishing it I know why I much prefer novels.
charlie68 | Sep 5, 2009 |
This book is certainly short: 67 pages plus a bibliography (2 pages), chronology (3 pages) and index (4 pages).

The book is basically chronological in focus, taking us from Julius Caesar's expeditions down to the end of Roman rule. Along the way Britain is placed firmly in the context of what was happening elsewhere in the Empire, and the differences and similarities with the situation in Gaul in particular are nicely brought out.
Robertgreaves | 3 autres critiques | Feb 27, 2007 |


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