Photo de l'auteur


One day during a business trip to the Right Coast, I complained about the chill. My smartphone told me it was going to be somewhat warm, but my co-worker, who lived back East, said, "It's a Rubin Day". Wait, it's a whatta day?

Turns out that the author was THE expert on predicting weather based on cloud patterns, which is just freaking amazing. Once I learned more, I wasted no time in ordering this book, just to see if it worked on the Left Coast. Well, by jiminy, it sure does. So much for high-tech algorithms. Granted, I have clear blue skies for most of the year, but now I am prepared! I'm just waiting for the poor fool who complains about the weather, so I can sniffingly say, "Hello. It's a Rubin Day".

Book Season = Year Round
Gold_Gato | Sep 16, 2013 |