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174 oeuvres 2,141 utilisateurs 29 critiques


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Early-Elementary, Upper-Elementary, Dinosaur, Dinosaurs, Stegosaurus, Nonfiction
Kellielynn13 | Nov 9, 2023 |
lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
lcslibrarian | 2 autres critiques | Aug 13, 2020 |
lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
Such a wonderful book that I checked out at the library. It has been such a helpful springboard for me to talk to the children about consideration, kindness, and good manners. I hope to reread to the kids again.
Sparrowgirl | Dec 21, 2019 |
This is a good book for 3rd graders and up to learn about Rome. It has informative information about Ancient Rome, their daily life, religion, leisure time, government, their art and jobs. The book has pictures that discusses each section that's listed in the table of contents and a map showing where Rome is located.
slumar | 1 autre critique | Sep 24, 2018 |
Genre: Informational

Summary: In this book the science behind the American military is introduced. It discusses the physiology, psychology, and fitness of soldiers, the food their bodies need, the science of how their gear is not only carried but also worn. It discusses the technological advances of weapons, GPS, and ways to stay safe.

Review: This book introduces very cool concepts and can spark deep conversations and research about the various science used in the military. While this book does not give many scientific explanations, I would use it in my class.
ebrink15 | Sep 1, 2018 |
In this book, we are told the story of what it was like to be an enslaved African-American during the Revolutionary War. The loyalists, who were American colonists that remained loyal to the British, caught wind of the unfair treatment towards the slaves. This allowed the loyalists to make a deal with the slaves and offer them a spot to fight against the patriots. More than 100,000 salves fought with the loyalists, and it was not about whose side they were on, it was about them being free. At first, only free African-Americans were allowed to fight, but eventually that all changed. We are introduced to important African-American's in history, and the many battles they faced during the Revolutionary War.

I found this book to be very interesting. Whenever I think of the Revolutionary War, my mind immediately goes to George Washington and that is honestly so ignorant of me to do. The different men I learned about in this book, and the countless efforts enslaved blacks made is absolutely incredible. Each page was so inspiring and filled with important information that I had no idea about. I thought the author did an amazing job, and everything flowed beautifully. This book offers a diverse dynamic within the classroom and can teach young readers so much.
aquinn | Feb 16, 2018 |
This book being one out of the many from the Compass Point Early Biographies series is a good informative book for younger readers. Like many other books from the series this biography is wrote by Lucia Raatma. The book informs the reader on the life and struggles of Martin Luther King Jr. having to grow up in a segregated country and uses wording that most young readers can comprehend.

When it comes to the book Martin Luther King Jr. by Lucia Raatma I have nothing bad to say. Not one thing in this book presented any problems, it does a fairly decent job of informing the reader of King’s life. And the pictures that are used to illustrate the book go very well with the text, I think this a book a lot of young readers who enjoy nonfiction would like.

Classroom Ideas:
1. Teach children more on segregation so they better understand the concept.
2. Talk about other leaders from the movement to stop segregation.
3. Et children hear or read to them one of King’s more famous speeches.
tabithamarie | 1 autre critique | Apr 24, 2017 |
This book identifies bullying for children. It talks about the different ways children can be bullied and ways they can stop bullying.

Ages: 4-6
Sources: Pierce County Library System
Maria_Zaldivar | 1 autre critique | Mar 20, 2017 |
Readers learn about how to deal with bullying.
ages k (5)
pierce county library
catiesar1 | 1 autre critique | Nov 24, 2015 |
Summary: this book is a biography on the history of MLK Jr. It ices background information like where he was born, and discusses his impact on America in a way that children can understand.

Personal Reaction: I liked the detail given, like how Martin skipped two grades in school, and was only 15 when he attended college. It allows the kids to learn more about him than just his involvement in the civil rights movement.

Classroom Extensions:
1: Have a discussion with children about the things Dr. King did in his life, and why they made America better.

2: Have children write their own little "I Have A Dream" speeches, about something they would change in the world, and discuss as a class.
yelhsajoh | 1 autre critique | Apr 15, 2015 |
This book encompasses the life of Thomas Jefferson. It starts with his birth, goes through his childhood, and into adulthood. It goes through his time as president and ends with his death. These children's biographies are good because they are really informational books that can help kids learn a lot, but are also not hard to read. These should be in any classroom, because as much as kids should read fun fiction books, they should also read these nonfiction books that can expand their knowledge
KayleighAdamsRossi | Jul 18, 2014 |
This is a biography of Benjamin Franklin. It goes through his life from the time he was born in 1706, to the time he died in 1790. It goes through all of the inventions and things he did to make the world what it is today.
I think that this book and others like it will be good to have in the classroom, because it tells about the life of one of the most important people in American history. It is also very nice because it is written for children. It is told in a way that will be easy for children to understand
KayleighAdamsRossi | 2 autres critiques | Jul 18, 2014 |
Bill Gates: Computer Programmer and Entrepreneur by Lucia Raatma is a book about Bill Gates and his life story. He was born in Seattle, Washington and was interested in computers as a young child. In high school, he and a friend wrote computer programs. He served as a Page in the US Congress and went to Harvard University. He intended to become an attorney but decided to work in computers. He went on to create Microsoft.

I like this book because it is very informative about the life of Bill Gates. It tells how and why he became interested in computers and includes the setbacks he encountered in his life.

I would use this book as one of many for older children from fourth to sixth grade for a unit on biographies. They would have to write an essay on someone of importance in the world and this one gives a lot of useful information.
Cecelia.McKay | Jul 11, 2014 |
This book explains the events leading up to, during and after March 7, 1965 in Selma, Alabama when a group of individuals planned a quiet walk to Montgomery, Alabama to bring attention to the injustices they faced as African Americans. The group was not armed or causing trouble but they were met and attacked by police officers leaving more than 90 people injured. The book is very moving and is full of facts that children need to know as well as descriptions of accounts that important in history.

Extension Exercise: this book could be used during Black History month or as an extension to a lesson on the civil rights movement. You could use it as an example of one story that helped to change a community and encourage children to find other similar stories that helped to change peoples frame of mind or help to encourage, promote equality.
Nicolec78 | Mar 26, 2014 |
great! now i need to make a fire drill!
Alfonso809 | Apr 3, 2013 |
this is about being safe and the different places and how you can be safe in public places
legendsscc | Mar 8, 2013 |
This book is useful for the primary and intermediate grades. It is informational book about how to use the internet safely. It includes information on how to surf effectively and cautiously, including how to make secure connections, how to make good passwords, cyber-bullying, possible risky situations, websites that are suspicious, how to avoid viruses and what they are, etc. The book addresses pop-ups and other internet quirks, and also talks about how the internet can be useful for educational projects.
This is a good example of informational because it is very factual and concerns current, realistic issues and technology. It is written in simple, kid-friendly language. The book includes a glossary of internet terms and related statistics in the last few pages.
This book does not have characters, a plot, etc.
This book could be used for learners who are about to be introduced to using the internet or have done a guided learning project on the internet.
This book could be used for learners in a unit against cyber-bullying or harassment.
ChantalBerho | Oct 12, 2012 |
This book is part of a series by Lucia Raatma in the 21st Century Junior Library. It' s great in detail on the Apatosaurus dinosaur's description on how they looked, their size and their eating habits
ThatcherKelly | Sep 28, 2012 |
This is an Informational book about Ancient Rome. It is about who the Ancient Romans were, what was their religion, and how do we remember then till this day.
lhamed | 1 autre critique | Apr 24, 2012 |
This book is appropriate for grade 3-5. The life story of Susan B. Anthony was very intriguing because she was a powerful and strong women who never gave up. Susan worked and fought for the rights for women to vote. Susan had her own newspaper and help start sister schools for girls. Susan put up a fight but see all of her accomplishes but her face is on the silver dollar. When people look at it they can remember all the work and effort she put into getting rights for women.
Teachers could use this book to:
-use this book as a project. The class be divided up into groups who had to do a project on important people in America and Susan B. Anthony would one of them.
-Pretend for a day that none of the girls had rights and only boys. Have the children use journal so they could write down how they were feeling. This would show how women felt before the 19th amendment.
Ebinns | Nov 30, 2011 |
As a statesman and founding father, Benjamin Franklin accomplished many things in his lifetime. He is an important figure in history that children should learn about. This book can easily be used as a supplement for a history lesson about America's beginnings.
hvachetta | 2 autres critiques | Nov 22, 2011 |
Explains the virtue of cooperation and how readers can practice it at home, in the community, and with each other.
UWC_PYP | Jun 9, 2006 |
Affichage de 1-25 de 29