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Œuvres de Sean M. Platt


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Synopsis: This is a nonfiction book about writing fiction. It is a companion to Write, Publish, Repeat. Please note I received an ARC copy of this book however my review is honest, true, and in no way influenced by receipt of the ARC.

My Rating:

I absolutely loved Write, Publish, Repeat. It is one of those books I tell every indie author I meet that they need to pick up.

I feel very similarly about the Fiction Formula however I do feel that those who are just dipping their toe into writing will get more from it than those further on their writing journeys.

Write, Publish, Repeat talks about marketing. The Fiction Formula talks about the nuts and bolts of writing. It covers topics such as plotting versus pantsing, story beats, understanding genre, avoiding procrastination, launching a novel, and keeping your backlist relevant.

Someday, I want to gift a paperback copy of this book to everyone in my writer's group. That is how amazing and important I found this book and why I am giving it a 5 star.

The only negative I will throw in here is that, as someone who has over 15 books out, much of the early part of this book was less relevant for me. I am already confident of my place on the plotter pantser spectrum. I already use maps to help me enrich my setting. I already understand that keeping your butt in the chair and scheduling time to write are important. Much of the early part of this book felt more aimed at newer writers. I did however benefit greatly from some of the latter material such as launch strategies, marketing, and keeping the backlist relevant.

If you are a writer, especially one on the newer end of your journey, this book should be on your shelf. If you love a writer or someone who wants to be a writer someday, this book is an amazing gift.

I recommend this book highly to writers though as I said I think those who have their writing process well established will benefit less from the earlier part of this book but can still find gems in the latter half.
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authorjanebnight | Dec 10, 2019 |
Synopsis: This is a self help book that uses the elements of story to show people how to make improvements to their lives. Things such as choosing a healthy and appropriate setting and being an active protagonist in your own story.

My rating:


I absolutely loved this book. there were so many topics covered that I could relate to. Of note, some of the things talked about were:

Focusing on your story goals (keep your big picture life in mind and don't get distracted by side storylines)

Eliminating unhelpful side characters (who to keep in your life and who to break ties with)

Failure isn't the end of a story. It is only a plot twist.

It is important to find your authentic voice and live your authentic life.

The authors of this book are not psychologists or mental health professionals. They are only writers who are trying to explain concepts they have learned. This book is not a substitute for professional advice but it is a book that can create some perspective if you are struggling with where you are in your life.

The examples in this book are given through the glasses of storytelling so I enjoyed how it spoke to me on a personal level. As an author I could understand the story elements of a story easily and compare it to my life pathway.

This book came at a time when I really needed it and my experience with it was deeply personal. It helped me put many things into perspective about the life I am living.

I really enjoyed this book and I think it has great value for writers and readers who are looking for some perspective on their life journey.

I have read these authors before and I truly enjoy them. This book maintained the voice I know and have come to appreciate over the years. I think this book is a valuable and fun read and I recommend it.
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authorjanebnight | Nov 21, 2019 |
I was sent an ARC copy of this book but all thoughts in my review are honest and not effected or influenced by that fact.

A Tale of Two Authors is a parable about two authors with very different ideas about the industry. It is used to give instruction to new authors about the ups and downs of the author world, challenges they may face, and mindsets that can effect how success in the indie author realm.

I liked that there was an emphasis on there being no "right" way to author at the end of the book because at times it felt as if the authors were implying a "right" way. They certainly seemed to be implying a "wrong" way through the actions of the more impulsive character in the book.

I think this is a good book for newer indie authors. It might help them find a direction they hadn't considered, such as collaboration, and it also might prepare them for situations they haven't yet dreamed of being in.
I liked the voice the story is told in. It is fun and doesn't take itself to serious.

I think my only real complaint about the book it that at times I felt a little disheartened and frustrated. Not with the writing or exactly with the parable but I didn't fully agree with some of the choices the "right" author was making. Not that they weren't right for her but that I feel sure they wouldn't be right for me, at least as presented.

Worth a read but I think it is also important to remember that what is right or possible for one author may not fit in with the long term plans of another author. If you are looking at this as a fictionalized examples of the authors journey I think it can be a nice learning experience. I just don't think anyone should go into this book thinking they have to do exactly what the "right" character did.
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authorjanebnight | Oct 24, 2019 |


½ 3.7