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59 oeuvres 435 utilisateurs 7 critiques


My Review:
I've always been fascinated by Princess Kiko, I remember my grandfather talking about her wedding to Prince Fumihito and my grandmother discussing her traditional kimono. My grandmother was a clothing designer and model before she married, so I would often hear about what the famous people were wearing.

This book gives an easily accessible recounting of how commoner Kiko became Princess Kiko of Japan. It briefly goes over her childhood--how she lived in America and Austria and could speak English and German well, her father being a professor and then her return to Japan to go to college for psychology.

Sprinkled throughout are meanings of words a child might not understand (especially in regards to traditional Japanese customs), a glossary, books kids can read to learn more about Japan and photos of Princess Kiko and her family.

Child's Reaction (age 8):
Jane* sat down and read the book with me while I was watching her the other day. She especially enjoyed all the pictures throughout--depicting Kiko's life before as well as pictures of her life after marrying Fumihito. She laughed when she heard how heavy Kiko's dress was (35lbs!), but was anxious to hear about her children (Kiko has 2 daughters and 1 son).

At the end of the book she asked me to help her look up more about the Princess and Japanese culture.

Overall: I think the book is a fun way for kids to learn more about a different culture. For a home library the price is perhaps a little steep, 17.99 for 32 pages, but as a resource at school or in a library I think the book is well worth the price.

(*)I obviously changed the child's name here.
lexilewords | Dec 28, 2023 |
I would recommend this book to older students because it is factual and not as engaging for younger students. This book goes through facts of space and shows some pictures of space while describing it. This would be helpful in the classroom because it is a good resource for facts about space and is an easy read for students who are learning about space, but since it is factual and not as engaging I would keep it for the older students.
alliewilber | 1 autre critique | Apr 12, 2023 |
This book would definitely be better for intermediate ages. This is a non-fiction book that gives 101 facts about space and our exploration of the galaxy. This book would be great in the classroom as a resource during units about space, as well as independent reading for students who have an interest in this subject.
LizzieC21 | 1 autre critique | Mar 6, 2023 |
Kendo-The sword skills of the samurai come to life as kendo fighters execute fast-acting blocks and strikes to win competitions. Learn how fighters practice their skills and see if you have what it takes to be a kendo champion.

Martial arts-Fitness, mental discipine, and confidence are all required to excel in martial arts. Learn all about the origin of each technique and the skills involved in mastering it.


Chapter 1 The beginning of kendo
Chapter 2 Practicing kendo
Chapter 3 Mastering kendo
Chapter 4 Kendo competitions
Kendo diagram
Read more (bibliography)
Internet sites
AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |
I have always enjoyed survival stories and the "romanticism" of being stranded on a deserted on an island, rather like "Swiss Family Robinson." All the titles in the Survival series were intriguing; however, these are tips I would like to be most in need of using!
Curricular connections can be made with fifth and sixth grade science units. Incorporate passages from the book and have students create their own solar still, study first aid, and work through simple survival scenarios.
tona.iwen | Feb 16, 2015 |
Shy Diana Spencer became a princess when she married the heir to the British throne Prince Charles in a huge beautiful wedding. As the princess of Wales, Diana used her fame to help people in need and in which later won the love of the British people. Her fame had ended when she was in a horrible car accident but she is always remembered.

Personal Reaction:
I enjoyed this book because it was very informational. It was interesting to me to read about someone who made an impact on people of another country. I also liked the pictures they all looked like photographs that were taken at the time of her life.

Classroom Extension ideas:
1.) Discuss different places around the world and how different or alike they are to us
2.) Give each student a King or queen of another country and have them find either a book about them or look up information on the computer, as a history project
ChristinPina | Apr 10, 2012 |
This is a good book if you like stunts.There are alot of crazy stunts.½
wade33 | Nov 11, 2011 |