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Œuvres de Lisa Natoli


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"Gorgeous for God is a 3-word constant reminder of my ultimate purpose in the world."
-Lisa Natoli

The reason the phrase "love heals all things" is true is because love is the highest frequency of energy there is, and no problems or sickness exist at that level. There is only love, joy, freedom, happiness and peace. It's a whole other world. In this place, you know you are loved and lovable. At this level, you feel truly safe and happy, and life is one big adventure.

Everyone has experienced this state of mind before - a time when there are no worries and no cares. Suddenly you feel like a child again in a land of endless possibilities and constant wonder.

Most people have no problem raising their vibration to the level of love - you laugh a lot, you smile constantly, you feel alive - but the difficulty is that most people cannot maintain the frequency of love for extended periods of time. They dip back down into lower frequencies, where pain, depression, doubt and sadness exist. But with practice, you can learn to live in a world where there is only love. By following a few simple instructions, you can learn to raise your energy level (and keep it raised!) to a place where miracles occur naturally every day.

Lisa Natoli is one of God's miracle workers, by her own choice and decision. She is a writer, a muse, a minister, and she throws awesome dinner parties. She teaches A Course in Miracles: a systematic way of training your mind to a different perception of everyone and everything in the world. She can be reached at
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1 voter |
lisanatoli | Nov 16, 2007 |


½ 4.5