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Kiran NagarkarCritiques

Auteur de Cuckold

9 oeuvres 394 utilisateurs 7 critiques 1 Favoris


What clear and beautiful writing! At the outset, I didn't expect to be enthralled by a historical fiction set in the times of dynasties and kingdoms of the 16th century, but this was such a fascinating read!
vishalshah_lt | 2 autres critiques | Jun 8, 2020 |
This is a novel set in the 1950s in Mazagaon, Mumbai. The setting is a chawl and it's a story of two boys from lower middle class families and their adventures. It's a excellent look into this chawl life, the community divide, the family dynamics and life post independence.

But it also has a few drawbacks. The language is not up to the mark and we immediately realize that English is not the author's first language. The other thing is the author in the name of making this novel humorous tries attempts to write like Gabriel Garcia Marquez , and fails miserably. A 2.5/5 stars from me.½
mausergem | 2 autres critiques | Nov 24, 2016 |
The chawl life parts were fun to read. A little dated though. Then some of it was kinda surreal, some of it far-fetched. Shouldn't be telling you too much now, mustn't spoil it for you or anything. The general knowledge asides into Mazgaon, the Portuguese and related history - that was informative, but the first time I have seen non-fiction worked into a work of fiction like that and some of it clearly, excuse the cliche, was pandering to the west.

A word about the writing, not that my writing is much to speak of, but then again, I ain't coming out with a book any time soon. It was almost as if someone sat down with a dictionary, made a list of esoteric words, and worked them in. Like there was a compulsion to use 'em, a sort of "make sentences out of the following". Or at least they didn't seem to fit and the writing came across as a little forced.

And almost every review or blurb I've read about this book hitherto said that this was a funny tale or used the old reliable "Hilarious!". I didn't laugh once, if truth be told. But it wasn't a total waste of time. It's an OK enough read. If nothing else, it brought back memories of them old Sai Paranjape chawl and neighborhood vignettes on film (Katha) and TV - back in the day when DoorDarshan ruled supreme ("Ados Pados" and then some). There was also this brilliant Marathi TV serial "Chawl Navaachi Vachaal Vasti" that did a take on Girgaum - and then it also reminded me of Pu La Deshpande's "Batatyachi Chaal".

Sometimes a book works for you purely because of the choice of subject. So, nice choice of subject really even though it didn't touch upon as many aspects of chawl life as it potentially could have. To be fair, it wasn't that kind of a treatise. The book revolves more around its central characters with the chawl as supporting cast, as it were.
maximnoronha | 2 autres critiques | Apr 18, 2015 |
We were that rarest of couples. Even after years of marriage we were madly in love. I with her and she with somebody else.

Cuckold is set in early sixteenth-century Mewar, one of the many smallish kingdoms occupying the area of what's now Rajasthan state, in northwest India. Frankly you could tell me anything about sixteenth-century Mewar and I would have no reason to disbelieve you; my complete ignorance of the period and place is one of the things that made reading this book such a fascinating experience for me. Nevertheless, within India the story being told here is familiar – it fictionalises the circumstances of Meerabai, a princess-bhakta who, after marrying into the royal family, ignored her husband and claimed to be married to Krishna; she is still much-loved and her devotional songs and poetry much enjoyed today.

So you can think of Cuckold as a kind of Indian Wolf Hall, which is, from a narrative point of view, its contemporary. (Hey, HarperCollins, feel free to use that if you ever deign to publish the thing outside India.)

Our narrator is Meera's earthly husband, the Maharaj Kumar (i.e. crown prince). He is intelligent and witty, amused, thoughtful, more sinned against than sinning – overall a very charming person to spend time with, which is of no small importance in a book of more than six hundred pages.

He is also tearing his hair out with desire for his wife, who refused him marital relations on their wedding night and has continued to do so ever since. Despite our narrative point of view, Nagarkar allows us to sympathise with The Princess, who after all has been dragged from her home and married off to someone she's never met. The final visit she makes to her maika, or maternal village, before leaving forever, is described very movingly (something that also struck me, in a completely different context, when I read [book:The Kalevala|400869] – someone should do an anthology of this stuff):

…ŧhe sound of the school bell and the sound of a sandstorm and of rain hissing into the sand, her aunt beating the water out of her hair with a thin towel, the bucket at the well hitting the water some hundred feet below. And the smell of the sun burning the sand, of dry kachra frying in oil and spices, the powdery, bleached smell of her father's armpit when he came back from a long day of surveying their lands, the fierce smell of the kevda leaves in their garden. All these she must etch on her memory.

Still, it's hard not to feel for our poor narrator, too, who is placed at the centre of a series of studies in sexual desire and sexual frustration running throughout the book. The passages later in the novel, where he dyes his body blue with indigo and sidles into her room playing the flute in an attempt to seduce her, manage to be sexy, funny, and unsettling all at the same time.

Cuckold interleaves these sultry scenes of palace intrigue with a parallel political narrative. Mewar is a kingdom of Rajputs – that is, Hindus, with a few Jains – but they are surrounded by Muslim states, namely the kingdoms of Gujarat and Malwa and the sultanate of Delhi. Political tensions become identified with interfaith tensions, in a process that has clear parallels with later Indian history down to the present. The Maharaj Kumar worries about this a lot, and puzzles over the links between violence and religion:

Why did Mahavir, who founded Jainism, and Buddha find Hinduism inadequate and look to other ways for moksha or nirvana as Buddha would call it? Why did they reject violence so totally? Did it not amount to denying one of our deepest human impulses? Was that one of the reasons why Hinduism has reasserted itself in our land and squeezed Buddhism till there's only one drop of it left in Sri Lanka? Jainism, it is true, survives but only in a marginal way…

I compared this earlier to Wolf Hall, but it's worth saying that the approach is very different. I happen to dislike Hilary Mantel's slavish adherence to historical fact, and so I was happy to see that Nagarkar is more concerned with his novel as fiction than as history. ‘The last thing I wanted to do was write a book of historical veracity,’ he says in his Afterword. ‘I was willing to invent geography and climate, rework the pedigrees and origins of gods and goddesses, start revolts and epidemics, improvise anecdotes and economic conditions and fiddle with dates.’ Hear, hear! Similarly, he does not try to reproduce sixteenth-century language, and happily adopts a modern idiom for the novel, which I can see has annoyed some other reviewers. Personally I thought it worked well (though one reference to ‘the time-space continuum’ did jump out).

Of more interest to me was how very Indian the narrative voice felt. It was not just the different usages I was already familiar with, like ‘quantum’ for ‘quantity’, which is so common in the papers here but hasn't been current in English English since the days of Fielding and Sterne. It was also the general garrulousness of the sentence structure, a willingness to mix metaphors, to choose exuberance over concision, to take the first half of a phrase from one source and the second half from another. (Nagarkar talks, for instance, of ‘advantages and demerits’.) This sense of changing horses in midstream extends even to tenses, sometimes with jarring effect: ‘We are face to face finally. He embraced me…’.

But most of all, my sense of pleasant dépaysement came from the huge – really huge – number of words that were completely new to me. This is something that doesn't happen to me much any more and I loved it. On page 44 alone, I had to look up ‘bajot’, ‘mandap’, ‘saat phere’, ‘odhani’, ‘siropa’ and ‘mogra’, only one of which was in the OED; and these terms are not italicised as foreign borrowings but unmarked and natural elements of Nagarkar's Indian English. To me (and I realise this is a naïve response) it was fantastically exhilarating.

This sense that there's a shared pool of insider references is also reflected in the plot. Meera herself is never referred to by name in the book, so without prior knowledge or some research you have no chance. Similarly Babur, who emerges as a major antagonist towards the end of the novel, was unknown to me, but if you have a better grasp of subcontinental history you will recognise this very famous figure as the founder of the whole Mughal dynasty. A lot of foreshadowing and dramatic irony sailed over my head.

The result was that this felt more Indian than any other Indian novel I've ever read; it seemed not to be aimed at me, and this is a feeling I enjoy and respect. Perhaps that's why it hasn't, as far as I can tell, been published outside India yet, despite how popular it was in its home market. It's a shame, because it really deserves a wider audience; everyone can enjoy the skewed love story, the politics is desperately relevant, and although Nagarkar is relating a tragedy he does it with such admirable wit and humour that it's impossible not to get behind his narrator's central, world-weary philosophical conclusion:

Pain may be the only reality but if mankind had any sense it would pursue the delusion called happiness. All the philosophers and poets who tell us that pain and suffering have a place and purpose in the cosmic order of things are welcome to them. They are frauds. We justify pain because we do not know what to make of it, nor do we have any choice but to bear it. Happiness alone can make us momentarily larger than ourselves.½
Widsith | 2 autres critiques | Dec 8, 2014 |
Von den dunklen Seitenstraßen in Bombay zu den heiligen Hallen von
Cambridge, von der Jagd nach Salman Rushdie zu den Terroristencamps in den
Bergen Afghanistans, vom abgeschiedenen Trappistenkloster in Kalifornien
zu den geheimen Weihen und kriminellen Machenschaften der internationalen
Finanzwelt führt der Kreuzzug von Zia Khan, Gottes kleinem Krieger. Egal,
welchen Glauben er verteidigt und welcher der Weltreligionen er sich in
den verschiedenen Phasen seines Lebens verpflichtet fühlt: Zia, Sprössling
einer liberalen muslimischen Familie aus Bombay und ein begnadetes
Mathematikgenie glaubt, der Auserwählte zu sein, dazu erkoren, die Welt zu
retten. Eng verknüpft und verwoben mit Zias Schicksal ist das seines
Bruders Amanat, der einen ganz anderen Weg wählt, brüchig, voller Zweifel,
nicht ohne Schuld, aber offen für die Welt und das Leben. Ihre Überzeugungen könnten unterschiedlicher nicht sein, aber beide sind auf
ihre Weise gleichermaßen konfrontiert mit den großen Themen von Hingabe
und Verrat, Gott und Moral, Gut und Böse, Religion und purem Leben.
Zia und Tante Zubeida-Khala sind unzertrennlich. Sie leitet ihren geliebten Neffen zum "richtigen" Glauben und zeigt ihm, wie wichtig das Fasten für die Moslmes ist. (S. 32f) Amant, Zias Bruder ist kränklich- aber der Liebling der Mutter, die gerne das Vermögen des Vaters verspielt. Als die FAmilie ihr Vermögen verliert und der Vater aus der Architektenkammer ausgeschlossen wird, zieht die FAmilie in eine Wohnung nach Sueiman Manision. Zia kommt in einInternat, wo man seine unglaubliche mathematische Begabung erkennt. Zia wird zum Mädchenheld, spannt seinem Freund Roy die Freundin aus. Sarah wird von Zia schwanger. Zu dieser Zeit verlässt Zias Mutter den Vater und zieht zu einem Unternehmer, der ihr das angenehme Leben bieten kann. Später kehrt sie zu ihrem Mann zurück und ist für Zia eine Unperson. Zia kommt nach England un lebt in der Nähe seiner Patentante Antonia, die ihn als Kind taufen lies. Er kommt mit der Uni nicht zurrecht und verdingt sich als Straßenfeger. Er wird immer radikaler und jagd SR. Er verliebt sich in TAnte Antonis drogenabhängige Tochter Vivan, der er hilft von den Drogen wegzukommen. Als er SR in einem Seminar tatsächlich begegnet und ihn erschießen will, ist sein Magazin leer. Er fühlt sich von Vivan verraten (Leseprobe S. 204..Er flieht nach Indien und sticht bei einem Streit auf seinen Bruder Amant ein...Dann landet er in einem christlichen Kloster und wird Mönch Lucens. Das Kloster wird durch einen Sturm schwer beschädigt und Lucens spekuliert an der Börse, und lässt seinen Vater kommen, um das Kloster wieder aufzubauen.

Die recht weitschweifige und langatmige Story beschreibt die Radikalisierung eines Außnahmehirns. Es ist faszinierend, wie sehr Zia sich immer weiter von jeder Realität entfernt und gleichzeitig meint, es sei der Retter der Welt....½
Cornelia16 | Mar 31, 2009 |
Who knew that "Putting on the white shirt and khaki half-pats (never called shorts) was a ritual as complex as a samurai initiation." An excerpt:
sandeep-purao | 2 autres critiques | Jan 27, 2009 |
Cuckold was my first experience with "historical" fiction. And, I found it pretty amazing. Set in the Mewar kingdom, the book delves deep into the life and character of an otherwise unknown king, the husband of famous saint Meera. The character is developed slowly into a person who is intelligent, a little stubborn, and prone to misunderstandings. He is the heir apparent, surrounded by conspiracies to deny him the kingdom, and to top it all, his wife is always lost in thoughts of his beloved - the blue god. Cuckold is a story of his struggles, his idiosyncracies, and ultimately, his tragedy.
1 voter
shweta81 | 2 autres critiques | May 28, 2008 |