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J.K. Miller

Auteur de Reborn (wanderers, #2)

3 oeuvres 7 utilisateurs 2 critiques

Œuvres de J.K. Miller


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I was given the book free of charge in exchange for an honest review(Lovers of Paranormal). The following review contains spoilers.

Rating 8 of 10

The second book in "The Wanderers" series. I must say I liked it better than the first one. But let's starts from the beginning.
Tristan is dead, Josie too and Ella is devastated. I got the tattoo rebelion and that was an interesting idea for self pain inflicting. But why she was so opposed to the new school I didn't get. Obviously Ella still have a great problem with autority cause I think she didn't really mind going to the school, she minded that she was told to go. Anyway, for the rest of the book I sort of liked her. She figured it out that something wrong is going on with her and Aiden and I really liked the fact that she devoted to training without much complaining. I didn't questioned as much her age in this book. I questioned her gender once or twice thought. I have never seen a girl so clueless about a boy having hots for her. Girls usually sniff things like that from miles away and I personally thought, that in Roman't case it was way obvious actually. The stupidiest thing in the book Ella did for me was chasing after Jack in the maze. Come on, girl, he is after you, not the other way around. You get to pick the fighting ground if he wants to get to you. Instead Ella let him lead her where he can have more help. Dumb, very dumb!
Altogether, Ella didn't annoyed me as much in that book as in the first.
I liked Roman but not overly so. He is a nice guy, but he tends to make assumptions without all the facts. I think he is a good match for Ella actually.
I liked Billy even more in this book. He is becoming a very interesting character. Dixon holds a special place in my heart from the previous book and I was so pleasntly surprized to meet him again.
Overal solid 4 stars for that book and strong interest for the next one. Hope Ella will finally start acting her real age and not as a spoiled kid. Off to book 3...
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osobena | 1 autre critique | Oct 27, 2020 |
When Jason is awakened by a mysterious woman, he has little to no time to talk about everything he has forgotten - which, by the way, is everything. He doesn't remember his name or what he looks like. Though the woman who frantically woke him up seems to know much about him, he knows nothing about her at all. All he can figure out, as evidenced by the dead bodies on the ground, is that she's much more powerful than she appears.

He quickly learns that he's fortunate to have her by his side. Things are much more chaotic outside than they were inside the small house. There are armed men everywhere, as well as many dead bodies.

With the lady's (his mother) help, Jason makes it out of the village alive. Unfortunately, the only thing that Jason learns before his mom gets trapped is that he was 'reborn,' she woke him up too early because of the attack and that messed with his memories and abilities, and he needs to travel to The Hills to meet with his dad.

Of course, getting to The Hills won't be easy, not with Kyoko and her soldiers hot on his tail. After all, he's the reason why they destroyed the small town. He's one of the Kahnan, a special group of people chosen by the spirits.

Then, when Jason finally meets up with his dad, he learns that he has a lot more to worry about than his lost memories. Lady Cristilia, also known as the queen Lady Glovya, is against Jason. She's the reason why Kyoko and her men are after him. Cristilia is also after the Prime, a series of items connected to restoring balance to the natural world. To make matters more complicating, Jason also needs to improve his abilities as the Kahnan and locate the other Kahnans.

The moment I started reading Reborn, I knew that, as long as J.K. Miller's writing style remained the same throughout, Reborn would be a great read. Fortunately, his style remained the same.
Miller is a descriptive writer. When you take into account that Reborn is a fantasy with its own concepts, languages, settings, and customs, it only makes sense that the book is 400+ pages. His sentences vary in length, which sometimes give the paragraphs a very rhythmic feel. Nothing makes me happier than a story with rhythm. Reborn is action-heavy. Sometimes, Miller's descriptiveness has the effect of slowing battles down, so it is a double edged sword.

Only two things in particular bothered me. The names seemed random. There are really simple names like Harold and Jason and exotic names like Sariya and Cristilia. Kyoko's name really stands out, since it seems Japanese. I was also never entirely sure about Reborn's time period or overall setting. Does the story take place in an alternate America? Or is it in another world altogether? I'm assuming it's in an another world, but what's the name of said world?

Overall, I enjoyed Reborn. If you're looking for an adventuristic, action-packed fantasy with touches of romance, this is the book for you.
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TTCole | 1 autre critique | Jun 25, 2012 |

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