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Samara Jones is an unhappy young woman. She is disenchanted and feels unfulfilled in her studies. She is at a loss as to how she can improve her life. That is, until she meets a charming but strange group of people.

There is Mr G who cares for a flock of Cape Barron Geese (one of the world’s rarest), Robert the passionate environmentalist and Mrs Butter who helps Samara to sort her life and set life goals.

It is a perfect read for young readers with lessons to help and guide them in their future lives.

As with Karina’s previous short stories I thoroughly enjoyed reading The Girl with Ten Diamonds. You’ll have to read the book to see where the title comes in.
Hostie13 | Nov 11, 2021 |
Ursamer is one of a series of delightful stories for children that teach them about the world we live in and the need for conservation. (See my book review blog for reviews on the other stories to date

Ursamer is a little girl who appears seemingly by magic to a variety of people. She is from the far north and dressed in Eskimo clothes. With her is her dog, a sled, and a hunk of ice. She tries to warn the people she meets about the melting ice and how the tragedy is impacting on wildlife, particularly the polar bears, but no one listens or even tries to understand her message.

It is touching story with a compelling message about global warming written in a style to be shared between parents and children.
Hostie13 | Mar 20, 2021 |
When I read the opening chapter, I felt pity for Dargo, I liked him but wanted to slap him and wake him up to life. He appears lazy and he is given a week off work without pay to mull things over. But it’s OK our hero comes good.

Dargo is a light-hearted story with humour and a lesson on the environment. It is easily read in one sitting and while it is an adult fairy tale it is also quite suitable for children.

As he wanders, lost in thought, he finds himself at an old theme park. Now abandoned it still brought back happy memories from his childhood. He spies the Gypsy Fortune Teller machine, one of his old favourites and gives it a try. That’s when his adventure starts. The fortune teller emerges from the machine and tells Dargo her name is Flame. She is fire. As the story progresses he meets Terran (earth), Mariah (wind), and Vivian (water).

Listening to his new friends, Dargo begins to understand the impact man has had on the earth and climate. They ask him for his help. To tell more would detract from the enjoyment of the story.

I loved all the characters, yes, even our hero, Dargo. I think my favourite though was Terran, the earth.

There are no unnecessary words in the story but McRoberts clearly gets her environmental message across and none of the characters are lacking in personality.

The impact of the story’s message stays with the reader. I was watching the breeze moving the trees this morning and I immediately thought of Mariah.

My rating 5*
Hostie13 | Jun 13, 2020 |
I have great admiration for writers who can take a delicate topic and explain it to children in a way they will understand. This is what Karina McRoberts has done in her story, Charlie’s Ark, dealing with neurodiversity.

Young Charlie falls, hitting his head causing him to go into a coma. It was a long time before he awoke but he was different. Charlie had changed and discovered he could paint pictures of animals.

Through his pictures, Charlie raises money to help animals and in doing so began his own road to recovery.

This is a heart-warming story that parents should share with their young children.

Although I was provided with a free copy electronic version for reviewing I will certainly be purchasing a copy for my granddaughter.
Hostie13 | May 22, 2020 |