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Œuvres de Kimberly Marooney


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This deck is absolutely beautiful. The artwork is great and the readings are very accurate. If you are interested in a deck of beautifully inspiring cards that make it incredibly easy to do angel readings for yourself and others, these oracle cards are for you! Even skeptics will be impressed with the details and accuracy of the cards, and there are examples of different card spreads in the guidebook which make the entire process simple and easy. Beginners and advanced readers will love working with these gorgeous, unique and high-energy cards. I especially love how each of the angels on the cards have a personalized energy that you connect with when you select a card. I can actually hear the angels depicted on the cards talking to me and sharing additional insights as I read the messages. This deck is a very powerful tool for determining how to heal and help yourself and others, and it will be a favorite among many lightworkers.… (plus d'informations)
MaryAnn12 | May 31, 2013 |
Angels are messengers of healing, love, and prosperity. This deluxe book and card gift set enables you to have a stronger and more prosperous connection with the angelic kingdom and to call on heavenly assistance in times of struggle.

I found this book insightful and I will need to re-read over and over. Her books provide practical advice for healing work for anyone who wants to grow closer to God and His messengers that guide and protect you. This is a MUST HAVE for anyone interested in Holistic Health and Spiritual Growth.

So profound! I love how this book came into my life when I needed it most. It healed some very hurtful things from my past, has helped me in my life daily, all I have to do is ask and wait for the good to happen. And it does! Enjoy your angels as they enjoy helping you. Ask and you shall receive.
… (plus d'informations)
MaryAnn12 | May 5, 2013 |

Hemelse bescherming, liefde en begeleiding

Met deze prachtige doos en gids kunt u een innige relatie met uw beschermengel opbouwen. Dominee Kimberley Marooney, de auteur van Engelen, laat zien hoe u kunt communiceren met de angelieke geest die u gezonden is ter bescherming en begeleiding bij uw dagen op Aarde. De gewijde gesprekken met uw persoonlijke boodschapper van God zullen uw leven spiritueel bevredigender en zinvoller maken.

Uw beschermengel is altijd bij u - de hele dag, elke dag en alle dagen van uw leven.
Met behulp van het boekje De zeven geschenken van Uw Beschermengel ontwikkelt u een innige relatie met de hemelse boodschapper.
Deze goedgezinde en liefdevolle geest is uw gids en beschermer op uw spirituele reis en begeleidt u met hoop en liefde door alle gebeurtenissen van het leven. Door de inspiratie en motivatie van uw beschermengel wordt uw leven vollediger - en zinvoller.

* Mooi engelenbeeldje
* Engelenbroche
* De zeven geschenken van Uw Beschermengel, een boek van 264 bladzijden over in contact komen met uw beschermengel
… (plus d'informations)
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