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54 oeuvres 246 utilisateurs 9 critiques


GAH! What was I thinking? There was so much repetition and whining in this "book" I thought I was going to pull my hair out! I had to keep pausing and rereading a lot of the pages because the whining would get so bad, i would start to skim instead of actually read.

The story was ok, the writing was fine and the characters were typical teenagers, or at least what i remember teenagers being.
chaoticmel | 2 autres critiques | May 18, 2024 |
Sweet little story filled with young adult angst and fluff. It's short so there's not a lot of depth or detail but it was enjoyable enough. 2 stars.
funstm | 2 autres critiques | Dec 1, 2022 |
Sure it's swoonworthy but it's also painful to read. First off, Ally is a complete hypocrite. She has already kissed him behind her boyfriend's back so do you really have the moral high ground? And secondly, they both (Aiden and her) cry about it. It was kind of pathetic.

And bloody hell, she is ridiculously judgemental. Half the drama is in her head. He (Griffin) doesn't like her. He's not good for her. He literally keeps asking her out and she shoots him down. It was exhausting. He even asks her to a school dance and he gets his mum to call her when his appendix burst and he's in the hospital and she doesn't even want to go see him, crapping on about how she should stay away and he's no good. Sure she does eventually go and see him but she's a freaking idiot. Griffin deserves better. Someone bloody sane. The ending was way too abrupt, it could've used another chapter to smooth out the edges. 2 stars, without half the drama it could have been 3, but I was just too exhausted. Look it's not all bad, I'm just getting too old to care about teenage angst. It makes me remember all the things I hated about high school. There were some funny lines and there was heaps of fluff. My favourite part was the gummy bears. She chucks a bunch of gummy bears on his car under his windscreen wipers when its cold and dreary and raining and when he puts them on it makes a rainbow. I have no idea if this would work even remotely well but it sounded amusing.
funstm | 2 autres critiques | Dec 1, 2022 |
Fall For Me should probably be published as one book. It would make Fall For Me a stronger read, giving it more depth. This was alright, extremely dramatic and full of teenage angst and feelings - and I kind of hated it but I think it's a it's not you it's me scenario - I think I'm getting a bit too old to read this stuff. It made me remember how much I hated that crap in high school.

There were some fluffy flirty bits but there was greater intensity in this one. Massive fights? Mental hospitals? Taking bats to cars? The ending absolutely sucked. WTF?! She totals his car by driving into a tree? It didn't make any sense why he would leave the car - his baby - out for starters and secondly, wtf is wrong with her? It was a completely stupid thing to do. The only thing worse than that was the fact that twice through this book she gets offered non-alcoholic drinks by older men and ACCEPTS THEM? Look, teenagers do stupid things but let's not give them ideas. First off, they were alcoholic, she didn't know these men and she almost gets sexually assaulted because let's face it - older men getting a seventeen year old girl drunk probably aren't going to help her home and make sure she's safe and untouched. She doesn't even seem to realise or understand the significance of what could have been. Either time! It majorly irritated me.

1.5 stars rounded up to 2 and the author should consider putting a note about not accepting drinks from strangers.
funstm | Dec 1, 2022 |
I read this book via an Amazon KINDLE Unlimited download.

Ladies, if you read romances [BTW- I’m a romance author], then you might have read a storyline where the protagonist is in love with a guy who is quite passive in reacting to that love; that is until another guy comes along who shows an interest in her and awaken an interest in the guy she loves. And a small, small handful of you might have even experienced this in real life.

What the author, Melanie Marks, has done in this book is to set the story during Christmas, the second most popular time of romance after Valentine’s day. In her writing, Ms. Marks, has invited her readers, including myself, to fantasize being in the shoes of an adolescent young girl named Nicole as she experiences her first real crush on a boy named Mark.

Mark is Nicole’s best friend at their middle school, and all is fine until a new boy at her school, Justin, starts wanting to have Nicole as his girl for Christmas, just as much as she wants to have Mark as her boy. While Justin interest in girls is already somewhat developed, Mark’s interest is just beginning to be woken [due to Justin’s interest in Nicole] and he’s showing a desire to do something physical to Justin, like a punch in the nose.

Will the conflict between Mark and Justin reach a boiling point where someone might truly get hurt? It is possible for Nicole and Mark to have a young, innocent, adolescent HEA in time for Christmas? This reviewer is not going to say.

This delightfully, funny book is right on target for its target audience of young girls, giving them an illustrated insight of what might happen to them one day and how to/how not to behave. This book would also be a fun reading experience for their mothers who might want to relive their first crush on a boy. Given this, I’m glad to give Ms. Marks the 5 STARS she’s gotten from me for her endeavor here.
MyPenNameOnly | Sep 3, 2019 |
I read this book via an Amazon KINDLE Unlimited download.
This book, written by Melanie Marks, is being told from its young teenage girl protagonist, Ally’s POV [Point of View] as it has all of the emotions a girl her age would have after being compelled by her school to help turnaround the behavior of one of its biggest rabble-rousers, Griffin Piper. The only apparent redeeming quality Griffin has is a top-notch hockey player.

However, this outward appearance Griffin is actually hiding a secret as Ally soon finds out. Griffin is in actuality the cutest, kindest, pleasantest boy she’s ever known; and her heart melts whenever he merely looks at her. And unbeknownst to Ally, Griffin feels the same way about her.

The author’s writing is quite vivid and succinct as it doesn’t hide any of Ally’s thought-processes while being with or thinking about Griffin.

The only negative quality I feel this book possesses is its number of chapters, a total of 75.

Mothers, when considering to buy this book for your daughters try to recall when you had been Ally’s age, and while I didn’t do it my younger sister did, this could have been something you might have done yourself; which is keeping a secret diary of everything that was happening in your life especially when there was a boy involved.

While there is no dating for any of the book chapters, and given how I felt reading my sister’s diary, I believe that this book is actually Ally’s long-lost secret diary which the author “found” and is now making public. Forgetting this possibility, I believe this endeavor by the author would make a marvelous reading experience for young girls coming of age and finding their first real love. Unfortunately, given the diverse, voracious reviewers of books that I am, I won’t have the time to read any other books about Ally and Griffin which the author has written; but this not stopping me from giving Ms. Marks the 5 STARS, I’ve given her here.
MyPenNameOnly | Jul 26, 2019 |
"1.5 out of 5 stars. This book had such promise but then it faltered and was never able to recover. Terrible!! Zoey is a..."

Read more of this review and a TEASER here:½
fromjesstoyou | 2 autres critiques | Mar 21, 2016 |
Muy cortito, pero excelente :D
Anngela_ | 2 autres critiques | Aug 31, 2013 |
This book is about a girl, Allie who has been in a school for a few years now. She isnt popular and most guys dont notice her. She has had a boyfriend for two years. She feels like he likes a cheerleader but he says he doesnt. They go to a party together and play a game where its like spin the bottle, whoever it lands on gets to pick someone to go in the closet with them and they get to stay in there for a minute. Well the cheerleader chose Allies boyfriend then the bad boy chose Allie. Allie end up dating the bad boy while allies (ex) boyfriend dates the cheerleader.
This was an interesting book. You could relate it to life in a very good way. It is like life now, with a bunch of drama. I liked it. If there was a second book to it, i would totally read it. I think they should make a second book to it.I wouls suggest this book.If you are having boyfriend problems, this should help you and give you some advice.
samiSami.. | 2 autres critiques | Mar 23, 2012 |