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Ich habe mir vor kurzem Fotoleinwände gekauft - gefunden über das Internet. Weil ich in der Nähe von Karlstein war, bin ich hingefahren und habe sie abgeholt inkl. kompletter Vorrichtung etc. Die angegebene Adresse war ein Fotogeschäft, ganz traditionell vor Ort. Weil dieses Geschäft nicht mehr so läuft, hat sich der Besitzer dazu entschlossen, zusätzlich etwas über das Internet zu vertreiben. Flexibel, wendig und eine größere Zielgruppe als den eigenen Ort im Blick, so könnte man Guerilla Marketing umschreiben, wobei es je nach Definitionsstand sowieso zum modernen Marketing gehört.

Die häufigste Todesursache von Unternehmen ist die mangelnde Fähigkeit, sich anzupassen. Unabhängig davon, wie man die Fähigkeit nennt, neue Trends oder Verbrauchergewohnheiten konsequent zu verstehen, sie für den eigenen Erfolg zu nutzen, in diesem Buch wird abgehoben auf jenes Können, das Unternehmen heute, in immer schneller werdenden Entwicklungen, brauchen.

Ob man einen Unterschied zum traditionellen (behäbigen, überdauernden) Marketing per Definition machen soll oder nicht, spielt keine Rolle. Hier betreibt jemand auch Marketing für sich selbst mit der Besetzung eines nebulösen Begriffes. Weitergedacht ins 21. Jahrhundert sind die in diesem Buch beschriebenen Maßnahmen, Konzepte, Ziele und Ideen ein reicher Fundus für alle, die sich in Märkten mit immer härteren Bandagen behaupten müssen.

Die eigentliche Waffe ist Wendigkeit, Flexibilität und Kreativität, was nicht primär oder weniger als früher durch hohe Budgets vorgegeben ist. Ob man den Begriff Waffe benutzen muss, wie der Autor es exerziert, lasse ich dahingestellt. Extrahiert um einige unnötige Kriegsbegriffe, zeigt dieses Buch sehr gut, auf was es heute ankommt. Ob mit der Umsetzung der vorgegebenen Regeln kühnste Erwartungen übertroffen werden, gähn, auch hier die alte Sprache des zwanghaften Werbers, unnötig für die hier stehenden Einsichten.

Ich hörte einen CEO vor langer Zeit einmal darüber reden, warum seine Marke so gewinnbringend war. Er kam nur auf einen Faktor: der Anfangsbuchstabe des Namens war ein M. Und ein M war für ihn die Verkörperung von positiven Lauten bzw. Assoziationen, ein Ommm für alle Marken? Der Marketingbegriff ist völlig überfrachtet, Guerilla Marketing ebenso, trotzdem sind die Überlegungen in diesem Buch hervorragend und richtig, ein Hinterfragen und Neujustieren von möglichen Marketing-Maßnahmen wird damit bestens ermöglicht.
Clu98 | Mar 13, 2023 |
Mark-Bailey | 3 autres critiques | Jul 1, 2017 |
torreyhouse | 3 autres critiques | Jul 1, 2017 |
Most of the suggestions I've heard in blogs and writers' articles, but it was helpful to have it all contained in one book where I could choose which would fit my needs with the time that I had.

His emphasis on no cost was helpful---although, taking media people out to lunch is costly. Making friends with people and knowing which people to spend your energy are key. The suggestions gave encouragement for what can be done with enough time and energy.

It is a dated book and other options are probably available, but the list is extensive.
Sonya.Contreras | May 21, 2017 |
This boot camp-styled book gives job seekers inside tips and techniques to optimize traditional and modern forms of job hunting. While providing readers with advice on resumes and cover letters, this second edition focuses more on the technological resources for job seekers, such as LinkedIn, Google, podcasts, and blogs. The author's aim is to update job-seekers and introduce them to a networking system that has evolved from paper and pen to the vast landscape of the World Wide Web. A step-by-step marketing-based approach will systematically guide readers to success in their job search.
MountHolyoke | Dec 6, 2012 |

His books are written in 41 languages
He taught for 10 years at the University of California in Berkeley.
Writes online columns for:

Here is what I gathered in my notes as I read and highlighted important parts of his book:

Seek profits from current customers. sell to existing clients).
Follow up with each client once you have them.
If someone knows you they will open your mail sent to them or their "snail" mail vs. if they do not know you.
Follow up by phone calls, emails, mailings
Think of "Additional Services" you can offer your current clients.
Clients want VALUE! Give them a "Money Back Guarantee."
If you give a 1 month guarantee you will probably get clients who want a "refund."
If you give a 6 month guarantee you will get a "less returns" because there is no rush.
If you give a 1 Year guarantee you get almost "0' returns.
LIFETIME Guarantee is the #1 best because
No pressure
No stress for free return
Client feels better
Clients will TRUST you
The way you answer your phone and how fast will gain credibility. Most people or clients do not want to be put on "HOLD." I don't know about you but I am sick of the "Press 1 for this Press 2 for that."
The author talks about "SETH GODIN" and he is a mighty powerful man!

Seth suggests that you treat your clients with Royalty. Acknowledge that you appreciate "their' business by treating each client "special." If you are speaking to your client, zone into the client and if the room is busy and loud, make sure you are so focused on your current client that client knows you care.

KEY: Most businesses LOSE clients by "ignoring them."


There is so much more in the book that I highly recommend it. I get all of my books through [...]

Jackie Paulson © 2011 All Rights Reserved
jackie1966 | Dec 18, 2011 |
Skip this book unless you are new to sales and marketing. I stopped listening after half the audio.
GShuk | Oct 31, 2011 |
Disappointing for me - your mileage may vary. This is based around the premise that (a) you have written a non-fiction book, preferably a self-help or an "inspirational" work, and (b) that you have been published or are looking seriously at being published by a New York publisher. Since my independently published books are fiction, this book is less use to me than to many readers. It also assumes that your market and your home are the USA (slightly more reasonable as an assumption, I suppose, but it doesn't apply to this Brit living in Japan).

As it happens, this book is actually a POD book (I recognize the footprints of Lightning Source), and is none the worse for that, but I find it ironic that the authors are writing about commercial publishing and are not being commercially published.

As to the content: a little bit repetitive, and often recycled from other books in the series, sometimes without due regard to the applicability of the advice to authors. There are gems of advice there, and there are a few things I hadn't considered. Some, as I say, are useless - local newspaper, radio, TV stations? Forget these in a country which isn't my target market. Some edge towards being entrepreneur/MBA waffle (substitute any term you like for "waffle"), but if you're prepared to work your way through this oddly-structured book, you may find something that will be of use to you.½
hugh_ashton | Jun 10, 2011 |
One of my few mistakes in book purchase. At a cover price of £20 not really value for money.
Alaric.Adair | Nov 10, 2009 |
Dated somewhat, but the basic business principles are good.½
JayLivernois | Jun 12, 2009 |
A great foundation for Guerrilla Marketing. A very easy read. Very good from a market share and a tactical standpoint. Give a boost to your marketing plan. I highly recommend all of Seth Godin's books.Good information on targeted media.
markdeo | 1 autre critique | Apr 19, 2009 |
A Great quick read. Great advice for any small business.Provides a great foundation for all entrepreneurs. It is very important to identify your customers needs. Opens your eyes to all the opportunity on the internet. I am a strong proponent for the Guerilla Marketing Series.
markdeo | Apr 1, 2009 |
Mostly common sense stuff - nothing new here.
gpeddy | Jan 4, 2009 |
I loved this book when I first read it - helps you to think more competitively.
JRandolphT | Aug 17, 2008 |
Although there are newer versions out there, the ideas in this book are effective and timeless. Do you have a small business or are you starting one? Make this your secret weapon to success. Back when this book first came out I implemented many of the ideas in this book and built several very successful businesses. I plan to order the more updated version soon as I gear up to start another business.
awriterspen | 1 autre critique | Apr 8, 2008 |
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sarahd766 | Oct 15, 2007 |
I included this book in my book: The 100 Best Business Books of All Time.
Cet avis a été signalé par plusieurs utilisateurs comme abusant des conditions d'utilisation et n'est plus affiché (show).
toddsattersten | 3 autres critiques | May 8, 2009 |
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