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Carol Lee (1)Critiques

Auteur de To Die for

Pour les autres auteurs qui s'appellent Carol Lee, voyez la page de désambigüisation.

8 oeuvres 89 utilisateurs 3 critiques


Like the other reviewer says, there are plenty of books out there on eating disorders that are much better than this one. This is told from the point of view of an 'aunt' (not in the relative sense) and therefore you don't get under the skin of the sufferer so to speak, there always feels like there is a distance between you and Emma and you never quite get close enough.
Fluffyblue | 2 autres critiques | Aug 24, 2008 |
Throughout the book the author uses the word "exhausting" to describe the young woman suffering from eating disorders. And that is what this book is: exhausting to read.
I really do not know how else to describe it.
TheCelticSelkie | 2 autres critiques | Dec 5, 2007 |
This is not very well written. There are much better stories about anorexia survivors than this although I always feel bad for people who suffer like this.
hides25 | 2 autres critiques | May 17, 2007 |