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19 oeuvres 109 utilisateurs 4 critiques


Every book I read in this series want me to price houses in Paradise because the stories are filled with a set for live and love that leaves me with a smile. Trust me, this has been a tough go for a while, so saying that Brittany Larsen has me laugh, smile, and feel joy is a major accomplishment. Bear and Cassie are the perfect blend of all the feels and laughs with perfect fade to black moments that keep these books closed door.
RedReviews4You | Aug 21, 2024 |
My friends, this book is so much fun! I was invested in the characters and wondered how on earth they could make things work. And I loved how everything turned out.
To me, the celebrity-falls-for-the-regular-person trope is like a modern-day Cinderella theme, and the celebrity is usually someone disgustingly wealthy or a movie star. I really loved that the “famous” character was an Instagram influencer. For some reason (though I’m the furthest thing from an influencer imaginable), it made the characters more relatable.
I really loved these characters, both who they are alone, and who they are together. I love how they each bring out the best in one another. They were so cute, how they knew what the other person needed and were so in tune with each other. They already had chemistry, and that made for some delicious, tension-filled moments.
I loved Georgia’s tenacity and independence, and her work ethic. (And also, I think Georgia is an adorable name!)The curated image she made for herself was so fun and she made me smile all the time.
This is the first book I’ve read in this series, but I fell in love with Paradise, Idaho, and Zach’s entire family from the very beginning. (Also, bonus points to Brittany for using Idaho as a setting. I looooved it!) Back to Zach’s family—they are the coolest, and now I really want to read the rest of the series. Zach is a really good guy. I liked him anyway, but seeing his interactions with his mom clinched his place in ultra-good-guy-you-have-to-swoon-for status.
This book was a lot of fun! I don’t want to give anything away, but there were so many things that made this book a fun one. All of the little elements and settings, Zach’s thoughtfulness, Georgia’s ability to speak her mind and stand her ground, some learning disability rep, family connections, childhood friendship and memories, and the old cottage renos were all so good. I’m in love with Paradise, Idaho, and the people there (except maybe Darlene), and look forward to reading other books in the series.
LovelyBookishDelight | Oct 14, 2023 |
Dizzy in Love is such a charming read! Lizzy is one of the most relatable characters, especially for those of us who also suffer with ADHD. I found myself drinking it all in, all the while feeling like I had found a kindred spirit. From projects that are started with spirit, but are a struggle to finish, to having the want but your brain being such a jumbled mess that you can’t keep up with everything, Lizzy is the heroine for all of us hot messes out there.

I love reading clean romances but I get so tired of all the leads being so perfect. That’s what makes Dizzy in Love such a breath of fresh air. These are real and flawed people that are fighting for what we are all fighting for: balance, love, and living with the consequences of our choices.

The connection between Jayden and Izzy is apparent from the beginning but as their story progresses the pages spark with electricity, their chemistry palpable. These are two people that belong together, like Eleanor and Chidi from The Good Place (had to throw that little tidbit in, which is a shout out to one of my favorite details in the novel). Seeing their interactions made me think of my husband and myself: the ADHDer and the guy whose love language is food. They are so goofy for each other it’s borderline sickening in the best way possible, and their take it slow approach makes their romance a slow burn, building the anticipation, and driving themselves, and the reader, crazy!

Reading Dizzy in Love was the perfect escape and a quick and refreshing read that I cannot recommend enough.
cflores0420 | Mar 7, 2022 |
Pride and Politics is a delightfully fun read! although it is quite predictable, it contains enough drama to keep the reader interested! Two individuals deeply committed to the opposite side of a political background find themselves very attracted to each other. Each has parents totally against a relationship between the two. The only real thing they have in common is each one's strong religious values and their best friends' friendship. This cannot possibly work! The wisest thing to do is to simply avoid each other as much as possible, which becomes a lot easier when Jake enters the scene.
The characters and cast are very well created and developed. The background scenes are clear and well-defined. The "flow" of the tale moves along very smoothly and connects with the reader from the first page. (However, one needs to know a little about the L.D.S. religion to gain the full appreciation of the beginning situation.)
The Title fits the book well. The Book Cover is simple but eye-catching and depicts a portion of the story. Enjoy!
I give this story a Four and a Half Stars rating.
*This book was sent to me in exchange for an honest review, of which I have given.½
LAWonder10 | May 18, 2016 |